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Before u start reading this chapter, I just wanna thank all of you for the support you give me, it really means so much. Also thanks for waiting.

And one more thing - Im gonna make a new BSD ff that, unlike this one is actually gonna be good - ir atleast I hope so. (I mean u guys say that u like it but in my eyes it's not good enough- I'm hust writing randon things and think of it while writing, there probably are some things that make no sense and there sure are boring clishe things and very dumb jokes and so on. Im actually only finishing this thatnks to all the positive comments you gave me. The new one is plotted already and I swear I'm gonna give it my best.)

It was the last day, the day when everyone was leaving. Some already left early in the morning, some during the day. Now there only were 4 people - Ranpo, Chuuya, Dazai and Poe. The silence covering the whole place was awful - but what else should you expect when one of them was a real bad case of extreme introvert and two guys didn't even talk to each other...

Even Ranpo was bothered by something more than just his snacks. As the time passed, he was getting more and more sure that Poe won't just come and confess - they only had last few hours, maybe even less than that. So why did he keep the hope still alive? It sure wasn't good this way - once the other guy will leave, they'll probably not see each other for quite some time so this is the best chance to have things done.

But as he was silently overthinking it with a lollipop in his mouth, the two other guys interrupted him. He said them a quick goodbye, not being actually present by his mind, then watched them get into Oda's car.

Now it was the perfect time, but... Poe was already taking his things, probably preparing to leave already. Not even giving himself the time to think about the right words, he had to stop him.

,,Hey Poe... do you remember what happened the night we had the big drinking party?"

,,What exactly do you mean?" He knew too well. But still it was the best thing to say.


,,Who knows... When you forget something, you don't realise you did so. That thing just doesn't exist for you" he just didn't want to get to the point.

,,Ugh ok... I mean the confession."

,,Yeah... That...'' he knew he'll bring it up sooner or later. Yet still he wasn't prepared for it.

Ranpo gave him one of his cutest smiles, nobody would actually notice that the seemingly careless boy is waiting for the other's answer, as if his whole life depended on it. ,, Did you actually mean what you said? Or should we call it another funny story and pretend it never happened?"

,, I... '' Poe had enough of this situation. He knew he'll have to say it anyway. He was aware that the other figured the whole thing out already.

,, I meant it"

But still he only was able to say it very quietly and a part of him hoped that Ranpo didn't hear it. But ge did. And even if not, he would be able to figure out what he said.

Before the taller guy was able to realise what's actually going on, Ranpo was already hugging him. ,, You know... I knew it all along, just wanted to hear these words from you"

Poe was already getting calmer, despite not being used to almost any socialising, now he returned the hug and was surprisinly comfortable.


Chuuya and Dazai got into Oda's car, both being unusually quiet. Oda, knowing Dazai better than anyone else, knew that something must have happened - most likely something happened between these two. Knowing that he'll not get any propper answer, he didn't even bother asking. He didn't know Chuuya too much but what he knew was that Dazai will either tell him himself or will not do at all, there's no point at trying to force him.

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