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Dazai didn't sleep well, he wasn't able to stop thinking about that dream. When he woke up and went to a kitchen, Oda was already there, eating his breakfast. ,,Good morning." Oda greeted the younger one. ,,Odasaku..." he didn't know how to continue so it won't sound weird. ,,Yeah?"

,,I... had a kinda weird dream." There were a few seconds of nothing but silence. ,,About Chuuya." He added.  Odasaku nodded. ,,Why are you telling me?" He was actually very curious, but didn't let the other see it as much. ,,Because... it was weird....... And I spent the rest of night unable to sleep because of thinking about what happened there."

Oda smiled. He already knew where this all is getting. He was Dazai's best friend and could read him as a book after all.

,,What exactly happened in that dream?" He asked. He already had some ideas and he was very curious.

,,I was at school sitting on a roof top with Chuuya and... he said... " Dazai knew it will sound a little bit weird no matter how much he tries to avoid it. ,,He said that he love me." He blushed at the thought of what happened there. ,,We also kissed. And hugged." Oda never saw Dazai blush this much and he had to smile when he saw him.

,,Odasaku, do you think that dream could have some meaning?"

Oda nodded. ,,Oh... I mean... what does it mean?" Dazai wasn't really the shy boy, but this wasn't a thing he would admit easily. ,,You should figure it out yourself, you know."

Dazai knew the truth deep inside of his mind, but there was some part of him that didn't want to admit it. He didn't realised he can't avoid the truth. Not forever.

,,You know, you really are a lot of help." Said Dazai sarcastically. ,,I think it's obvious what that dream means, Dazai. You always were a smart guy, I'm sure you know that too."

,,I don't have feelings for Chuuya!" He acted as a little kid now. ,,Sure... sure..." Oda laugh. ,,But if you still think so... don't be surprised when you realise that you do."

,,Such thing won't happen. He's just a friend."


Dazai couldn't stop thinking about that the whole day and night. What if it really is true? What if he really has feelings for his short friend?

No. That just can't happen. He. Doesn't. Like. Chuuya.


Another morning. When Dazai came out of his house on his way to school, he saw Chuuya waiting for him there. It immediately made him remember the kiss they had in his dream.

,,Oh hi Chuuuuuya!" He yelled with his annoying voice, but he felt there was something different. He didn't really pay any attention to it and tried to ignore it. But it still was here.

,,Hey, Dazai!" The other greeted him back, this time he was for some reason much less annoyed than usually. ,,You look like a shit. Did you sleep at all?" Chuuya asked, sounding a little worried.

Dazai blushed, remembering the reason why he couldn't sleep. ,,It's nothing. Just nightmares." He answered as if nothing serious was going on.


The two boys came to school very early today. None of their classmates were there. ,,Hey Dazai, wanna go to a roof top?" Some part of Dazai was starting to panic. ,,Sure." He said, not showing too much of what he felt. He just pretended nothing happened.

,,Hey, can't you walk any faster? I don't feel like waiting 5 years because of you being slow." It was again that old annoyed Chuuya. As if he wasn't before.

But now it was calming Dazai down a bit when Chuuya was acting harshly, because in that dream he was very soft. And when he wasn't that soft, it didn't remind Dazai of that dream so much, even if that unknown feeling that was way too strong today was still the same.


They just sat there for a while. Today the silence was much worse that it was ever before. Dazai begged for it to end inside of his mind.

,,Hey, are you ok?" Chuuya asked all of sudden. ,,Tch.. of course I'm fine." Dazai pretended that everything is ok. After all, he couldn't just tell Chuuya I had a dream about you where we kissed. That just would be too weird. ,,You seem weird. Usually you're much more annoying." The shorter one added.

,,Chuuya! Stop being so mean!" Dazai sang. ,,Ugh... nevermind. You're annoying as always." Chuuya said with a serious voice, but something inside of him wanted to laugh. He even admitted that Dazai is cute when he's annoying him on purpose, even if just in his mind and he would never say it out loud.

Dazai bursted out in laughter. Now Chuuya couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing too. Dazai felt much calmer now, without actually knowing why since he never really stopped thinking about that dream.

When they finally stopped laughing, they just kept staring at each other for a while. Their eyes met and Dazai's chest suddenly started to feel too tight for his heart.

He still didn't understand what exactly this feeling means. But he didn't hate it. It was something that was a part of every one of these nice moments when he looked into Chuuya's eyes.

Whenever he saw these two big sky blue eyes which he considered one of the most beautiful things he saw in his whole life, this feeling was here to hold him.

,,Hey Dazai stop staring! We should go, classes are beginning pretty soon."

It took him few seconds until he realised what was actually going on. Chuuya noticed that he was looking at him for a little too long, which made Dazai kinda blush.

Anyway he stood up and followed the shorter one to their classroom.

BSD ~ Soukoku ~ High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now