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Taka sighed, he felt his emotions and words bubble up again, and he opened his mouth and let the words spill. Tearing up while the smaller boy confessed his worries, his fears and his emotions, Taka having seemingly no control of his water works. Mondo just listened. That's what he said he'd do after all. He did give some input, but overall Mondo let Taka talk. And it worked.

Somewhere in the middle they had their breakfast delivered. They sat together and ate, talking all the while. Taka seemed to feel better, he had at least gotten rid of 2/8'th of his sadness! You gotta start somewhere!

"How's your meal?" Mondo askes, chewing on a especially chewy piece of bacon. "I gotta say I've had better."

"Hmm.. Mediocre." Taka replies. "Good, but not great." Mondo nodded behind his wall.

"What do you think will happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.." Mondo retried. "Actually nevermind." He sighed. "I don't know how to explain it."

"That's alright," Taka says. "Feel free to tell me when you like." He goes back to eating, the clank of his utensils ringing in the pair's ears again.

They continue to dine in silence until they both hear footsteps, they sound light but heavy at the same time, as if the person was marching. They must have some higher authority, or they just like to stomp, how disrespectfull. They hear doors being opened and taking, it sounds like a woman. Alone..?

Mondo gets up from his spot, setting his food on his bed. He looks out the bars in hia doors and he sees the new owner. He frowned immediately, and quietly ran to the wall.

"Who is it?" Taka asked, hearing Mondo return.

"The owner."

"You mean Mary?" Taka answered.

"Same difference," Mondo groaned.

"What is she doing? Letting everyone out?"

"Seems that way," Mondo quipped. "I dunno why though, maybe she wants to get us together to tell us somethin'.."

"Hmm... Maybe." Taka said, getting back to eating.

After awhile, she made it to the pair. There was the clanking of keys, creek of the doors opening and then she spoke.

"Head to the main area, take a seat and wait." She instructed. Taka raised his hand slightly to speak, still holding onto his breakfast.

"Can I take my food with me? I'm not finished-"

Mary didn't let Taka finish before she grabbed his plate, turned her heel and promptly threw the plate and it's contents at the wall, destroying Taka's meal and appetite. She looked back with a stern glare.

"Go." Taka frowned hard as he left, dragging Mondo with him angerly.


When they made it they saw a big TV screen on a wall fracing in front of a good handful of chairs, seeing some patients already waiting. Mondo saw a guard next to a projector, and he motioned his head to the chairs for Mondo and Taka to sit. They did so, choosing 2 chairs next to eachother.

After a short wait everyone, nuns, patients, guards and Mary herself were all in the room.

"Ok everyone, considering what happened today I figured we needed something to distract ourselves," Mary spoke, raising her voice to be heard. "You know the rules, don't break them and we'll be fine!" Everyone said something along the lines of 'yes ma'am' or 'understood'. She then nodded at the guard, and he flicked on the machine.

It made some crackling noise before the video shined through, the quality picking up once a nun finished running around and closing all what windows they had for a completely dark room. A mans voice started speaking, and images flashed across the screen. It was hard for Mondo to understand, but he didn't miss how Taka leaned forward, seeming to have no problem with the condition of the video and already putting his whole focus onto it.

Mondo tried his best to pay attention, but it was quite hard when all the video was talking about was serial killers. The pictures didn't make his feeling of dreed feel any better.

"Mondo, are you even paying attention?" Taka asked, not even looking away from the video.

Mondo sighed. "'M trying. It's hard."

"How?" Taka finally looked away, "Is it boring?"

"Ehh.. Not really. It's just kinda weird..."

"I see.." Taka spoke.

"Aren't you a little uneasy about this?" Mondo asked. "Its literally talking about murder. I'm surprised by how well you are taking this, really."

Taka didn't say anymore, just humming and looking back. Mondo looked at how Taka's eyes practicaly looked like camera lenses, zooming in and focussing in on the video. He saw how Taka's eyes darted from the pictures on the video.

'The next victim was in fact not a nightly worker, she was a fairly normal girl with a fairly normal job. Fear washed over all woman in the area as they all felt targeted and unsafe....'

Mondo watched as Taka's eyes squinted. Was he seriously taking this so seriously? Mondo was a little disturbed on how invested and intrigued Taka seemed. He brushed it off and blamed on the fact the boy is proabably just focusing on it to try and forget why he's been sad all day, but with such a subject you'd think he'd be a twinge upset.

The rest of the video went by fine, Mondo eventually found himself tuning into the show and enjoying it a bit. After it ended, Taka leaned back in his chair, letting out a breath. Mondo suppressed a yawn, but failing pretty badly.

"Tried?" Taka asked. Mondo nodded. "I'm sorry if that was boring." He apologized.

"I don't see why you are sorry, it's not like you picked it out for us." Mondo stretched, popping his neck aswell.

"I see..." Taka mummbled. After a while another video started clicking on, and from the few seconds already playing it was again about history. How boring.

Mondo at this point numbed out the videos. His mind wondered, having no filter. After a while his eyes started to get heavy and he drifted off to sleep.

(i died. sorry- also pls gimme some Ishidax and Diaya hc's ive been kinda in love with em lately and im in need of some pls :') sorry this took so long my brain is now hyperfixating on this Greed God au i accidently shat out wfhfhwjtewtjiet and Taka is rlly into physiological horror that's why he was so interested in the videos FIGHT ME)

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