Updated Warnings and Such

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ayyyyy hi hello it's the writer again argghh not another actual chapter yess i know but! sense stuff is literally about to hit the fan, updated triggers and shit!! here we go. yes some may repeat but the warnings still stand!

Torture, homophobia, swearing, gore, throwing up, needles, forced religious acts and believes, death/near death experiences, manipulative acts, ghosts and possession. (I mean that as in an evil spirit having control of a human's body.)

There will be other triggers that happen in ONLY said chapter, and I will address thoes at the beginning of the chapter! So please pay attention! I'm doing this because the parts with the trigger are so small I don't feel the need to mark the whole story with the trigger for it when it's just THAT chapter. I hope you guys understand!

i don't feel like i need to update sum of the characters but at this point you can safely assume that both the boys are like: "no homo man but like, i kinda just wanna hold ur hand and kiss u n' stuff.... no homo of course tho ahahah no homo i swear😳"

expect a new chapter quite soon!!! <3

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