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When Mondo opened his eyes he tried his best to read the clock on his desk.

'1:21 am'

"Ah fuckin'-" Mondo cussed in his mind as he rubbed his eyes. He was tired but his mind wasn't. He quickly remembered the smaller boy sleeping next to him, so he turned over a bit to see him still sleeping. He was on his back and his arms were crossed over his chest. "What a dork. He even sleeps like he has a stick up his ass." Mondo thought. He stole a look at his face, his eye brows instinctively sticking out like a sore thumb. They looked soft and thick. Mondo had an urge to touch them but he knew if he did Taka would most likely scold him on it. But he couldn't help it. They looked so smooth.

Mondo lightly brushed his thumb over one of his eye brows and he could feel his body almost instantly fill up with a strong need to just yell and scream. Taka was so pure, his brows even furrowed at the action as he huffed out air through his nose and he tossed a bit. That was close. But sooo worth it. Mondo decided to just sit and watch him. That's not weird at all, right? It's not weird to watch your best friend sleep, right?

"God what am I thinking of course it's werid!!" Mondo scolded himself. But as soon as he thought that Taka got a bit more uneasy in his sleep. He looked really bothered. "Is he having a nightmare?" Mondo questioned. The lords sure sent him an answer as Taka mumbled sometime incoherent, but he didn't sound very pleased.

Mondo debated if he should wake him up, he was getting more restless every second.

"Ngh.. No- you can't-" Taka squeaked out, his hands gripped onto the sheets extremely hard. Thoughts raced through Mondo's head quickly, trying his best to figure out what would be the best option. Mondo remembered when he had to watch a documentary in health about PTSD that when some people suffer from nightmares touching them would make it worse.

This was bad. Mondo had no idea what to do and Taka was getting loud with his pleas to be left alone and to be not touched. He was starting to claw at his wrists, Mondo could only think of him possibly trying to break from restraints in his dream.

When Taka was close to his eyes is when Mondo snapped into action. That's a line he wouldn't cross. He wouldn't let Taka hurt his eyes while alseep, not when he had full power to try and stop him.

Mondo grabbed his wrists, making sure to be light. He ended up having to sit above Taka's waist as his efforts to break free got stronger.

"No! Let me GO! You can't do this! Stop!" Taka cried, thrashing around.

"Ishi, wake up!" Mondo tried to yell back at him, hoping his words might reach him. But his efforts seemed pointless.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE STOP!" Mondo was quickly getting more and more worried.

"Taka, bro wake up! C'mon it's ok! It's just a nightmare! Your safe!" Mondo tried once again, this time his efforts paid off and Ishimaru's eyes flashed open. Teary eyed and scared red ones met shaken up purple ones. Mondo let go of Taka and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Taka reached up and harshly grabbed onto Mondo's arms. He was breathing heavy. He kept letting go of his grasp on Mondo and grabbing back onto him. Mondo caught what he was doing.

"Its ok, I'm here. They don't have you. You are safe." Taka seemed to calm down after that. He let go of Mondo and let his arms drop by his sides with a 'thud'. Mondo watched as Taka turned his head away, and after a few seconds he cried. Mondo quickly got off and held him into his chest. Taka didn't fight back and just let himself be held.

This was horrible. Mondo felt guilty. If only he didn't ask Ishi about his past. This could've been avoided. He brushed his hands through the smaller boy's hair, which seemed to calm him down alot.

"....sorry.." Taka mumbled into Mondo's chest.


".. I woke you up.. I was loud and-"

"Taka- Just- be quiet and listen. I'm not mad. Not a bit, I don't know why you'd even think about it like that. I'm sorry about your nightmare. I'm sorry you still suffer, even when you are supposed to rest."

Taka was silent, he couldn't argue with Mondo. He was right, he shouldn't feel guilty. It wasn't his fault. But he couldn't help but feel bad. "I'm sorry for burdening you with my problems..." That's when Mondo made Taka look at him dead in the eyes.

"Don't. Be. Sorry. You aren't a burden. How dare you even think that." Taka quickly avoided eye contact, but Mondo quickly said, "Taka, look at me." So he did.

"Are you a burden?"


"Should you feel sorry for something you had no control over?"


"Exactly." Mondo hugged the smaller man again. Taka easily melted into his touch, his worry and guilt disappearing soon after. Mondo could feel his heart beat go back to normal, and his crying stopped. Taka suddenly could feel his eyes get heavy with the need to go back to sleep so he patted Mondo's arm.

"I'm getting sleepy again... You can let go now.."

"Aren't you comfortable?"

"..Yes, but I don't want you to feel as if you need to hold me all night."

"But I like it." Mondo's bold honesty make Taka's cheeks flare. Mondo noticed and marked it as a win inside his head. Maybe the prick would notice his hints, then again Taka is dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to noticing Mondo's advances.

After a while Taka fell asleep again, nuzzling into Mondo's warmth. His breathing slow and peaceful in sleep. It was music to Mondo's ears. Knowing Taka felt safe and happy with him gave him great pride that no one could dull.

After a bit Mondo could feel Sand Man work his magic as he fell back asleep.

(Hug counter: 2 hugs.
I hope the chapter was ok!)

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