All For Nothing At All

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"Why the long face?" Judy asked, setting her head on her palm. "Do I have a zit on my face?"

"No wait- you-" Mondo tried to get the words out of his mouth, but was failing horribly. "Taka he said- he said you lost your memory! How are you- I-"

"Taka? Kiyotaka Ishimaru?!" Judy's face light up, then quickly died after Mondo nodded. "He's probably the other one.."

"Other one? What are you talking about?" Mondo questioned.

"Rumors of new people coming spread quicker than a virus here. You two must've came like 2 peas in a pod." She shook her head. "Horrible. I was really hopping he would be safe and not in this shit hole again."

Mondo wanted to say something- an apology- anything, but his mind was completely blank. He didn't know how it processes all the information he'd just gathered.

"Don't forget to eat though, honey." Judy replied, "I'd suggest just getting the cereal, everything else is almost inedible." She elbowed Mondo.

"I'm not hungry."

"You won't be feed for another.. 7 hours. Maybe even 8 or 9 if you really fucked up." Just to make the ex-nun be quiet and stop talking to him, Mondo reluctantly got his breakfast. It was very sad looking.

"Good. If you really want to escape alive without many wounds you need energy." Mondo nodded, Judy was right about that.

"What do you think they're doing to Taka right now?" Mondo asked. Judy shrugged.

"Either electric therapy,  or just smack him around a bit. I don't know if they want the memories to go away or if they are keeping them for a underlying plan- I have no idea."

After a while, Judy offered to teach Mondo how to play Candy Land with a different deck of cards. After about 3 rounds, Judy motioned for them to be quiet.

"I think they're comming with Thing 2." She replied, and pointed to the doors. After a few seconds wait, the same 2 men that escorted Mondo into the room had Taka. His walking was wobbly, unbalanced and his posture was slacked. Mondo quickly shot up from his chair and speed walked to Taka. After the men let him go Taka stumbled a bit, clearly not feelings as 100% as he did on most days.

"Oh my god- Taka are you ok? I'm so so sorry I-" Mondo started, hugging Taka, he felt extremely cold. "Taka- your so cold! Are you ok?!" Mondo tried to escape the hug, but Taka clung on like a sloth.

"And your reeeaaalllyy warm...." Taka mumbled, practicaly melting into Mondo's warm body heat.

"Taka? You feeling alright..?" Mondo asked, but all he got as an answer was an inaudible mumble.

"I'm tirreeddd.. Let's take a nap..." Mondo was caught off gaurd to say the least. He expected a very distressed Taka, not a very-tired-cuddly-groggy Taka. At least he want crying, so Mondo took it as somewhat win.

"They probably drugged him." Judy said, answering Mondo's unasked question. "He should be fine by lunch."

"Well... At least he isnt panicking right now.." Mondo thought with a bit of salt. Mondo patted Taka's back, and Mondo could feel him smile a little on his skin. "Oh my god- that was adorable..." Mondo though, trying to keep in a smile.

"Are.. you hungry?" Mondo asked, hesitantly. "You do have to eat."

"Mmm..bees..." Taka mumbled.


Judy walked up to the two, grabbing Mondo by the back of his jacket. "C'mon, you are attracting unwanted attention. Sit down, you two can be love birds once he's got some food into his system." Mondo blushed at the causal use of 'love birds' to describe him and Taka, but Judy was right. So, trying his best to make way to his seat, Mondo dragged Taka along, who didn't let up on his assault of wanting warmth.

After a bit, they successfully sat down, Taka sitting in Mondo's lap, refusing to let go. Judy had got some cereal for Taka, but sadly he refused her efforts to make him eat.

"Bro- c'mon you have to eat." Mondo said, poking Taka, who just clung on harder. "Besides, your breath is kinda making my tits sweat. It's weird." There wasn't a response. "What if I feed you, would you eat?" Mondo asked, having little to no other options.

Taka looked up from his spot on Mondo's chest, looking at the boy with ruby unfocused eyes. "Yesss..." Taka smiled. Mondo didn't actually expect him to comply. So, with haste, Mondo grabbed the bowl. He held up the spoon to Taka, who opened his mouth but didn't move.

"Does he expect me to feed him???" Mondo thought, but after putting the spoon in Taka's mouth, he actually bit down and ate the food. "Its kinda like feeding a baby bird...."

After successfully feeding Taka the whole bowl of food, he got situated back on Mondo's chest. But the moment didn't last long as a nun walked in.

"Alright everyone!" She cheered, unnervingly happy. "Its time to go outside! Suck in that sun, get your Vitamins!" Everyone seemed to understand the momentum, and followed the nun with little to no problems.

"C'mon. Get up," Judy said, "This is the closest thing to freedom you'll get." She helped Mondo up and showed him the way outside.

It was the most humane thing in the whole place. It was about the size of a normal backyard for a normal house. All the other patients seemed pretty happy to be outside, running around yelling and playing Tag. If Mondo didn't actually know the past of this place he might've been convinced as this being somewhat wholesome.

Taka peeked up from his spot, and looked around. He slowly let go of Mondo.

"You ok, Taka?" Mondo asked, a little concerned.

"You. Me. We play, now. Please." Taka said, poking Mondo's chest. Mondo looked over to try and ask Judy for possible insight, but when he turned around the ex-nun was gone. He turned back and saw Taka, who seemed to be trying his best to give puppy eyes. It looked more like he was going to start crying, but Mondo decied to just cave into his bro's needy wishes.

"What could we even play?" Mondo asked, scratching the back of his head, "There uh, isn't really much to do.."

"Hide and seek!"

"No! I'm not going to risk losing you."

"Oh I know!" Taka cheered, eyes growing bright. "I spy! That's easy! We don't have to move! We just move our eyes.."

"Uh, alright. If ya want-" before Mondo could even finish speaking, Taka grabbed his hand and dragged him to a little bench and made him sit, and sat next to him.

"Ok! I spy something.. blue!"

"...the sky?"

"Yeah!! How'd you know?!" Taka asked, shocked.

"Lucky guess..?" Mondo replied.

(argggghhhh this was very hard. im sorry this took so long i havent been vibin well lately.... feel free to beat me up about how long it took.
hugs: 4)

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