A Mother's Undying Love

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"Taka are you-" suddenly, the door swung open with a terrifying force, slamming and making Cecil jump out of his skin.

"Doctor! There's an emergency with one of the patients! This can't wait!" The nun called, her hands were shaking where they rested folded together. "Please, we need to hurry!"


"C'mon Taka, lets see how well you work under pressure! Don't panic!" Cecil spoke, quickly getting up with no hesitation, grabbing a few things and bolted out the room with the nun following suit, and a while after so did Ishimaru.

The 3 quickly ran down to the main area, where some of the workers had kept the patients cornered, they were letting out distressed cries. They could see a few nuns trying to open the kitchen doors, but not getting anywhere. Taka instinctively looked for Mondo but it didn't take long seeing the nuns surprisingly let him try and help.

By the time they made it over, Mondo had successfully knocked open the door, using his whole body weight on his side. He stumbled back as Cecil rushed in, leaving Taka and the nun out of the room.

"Mondo-? What's going on!?" Taka quickly asked, catching his breath.

"I don't know.." He let out a huff of air. "Don't let me stop you from finding out.. I'll be out here, go, go." He waved Taka along, bending over to regain his strength. Taka nodded and made his way in, but he was quickly stopped by stepping on glass in the dark room. He couldn't see anything or anyone.

"Taka, dont walk any further!" Cecil cried from the darkness.

"Where are you?"

"Right beside you?" Taka felt a poke and looked over, or, down to see Cecil crouching on the ground.

"What are you doing? Isn't there an emergency?"

"Yes, but clearly it's been handled, sadly. Now we need to figure out who did it.." Cecil spoke, clanking around a bit before finding something, and the lights flashed on.

Taka felt his heart drop when he was faced with what Cecil was talking about.

There was a body on one of the tables, as if it had been thrown on there with no care in the world. The body's hands and arms were all bloody, the pink substance dripping onto the ground.

"Oh god..." Cecil spoke, now seeing the body in its full glory. He carefully walked over, trying to step over the glass on the floor. It looked like someone broke a plate, and it was all covered in blood.

"Who.." Taka drifted off, not even finding the words coming out. But he found his body moving on its own, his mind blank as he maneuvered through the mess, looking down at who it was.

It was Judy. Her throat slit open, a small smile painting her face as her eyes looked out into nothing, her once feisty spirt gone and left her motionless body.

"Christ." Cecil swore, looking over the once old owner. He silently pointed to a large piece of glass in her right hand, her death grip holding onto it showing off the blood that decorated the edge of it. Seeming like a suicide.

"I-" Taka tried to speak, but before his words could even think about leaving his mouth his tears best the race and began flowing down his cheeks. "O-Oh I- She- I-.." He slurred, his words flowing out like a stream but with no coordination. He put a hand above his mouth, stopping himself as he shut his eyes with great force, but his sadness still flowing with no filter.

"Taka.. Why don't you go take a break." Cecil looked over, resting his hand on Taka's arm, he felt the smaller boy slightly shaking. Taka shook his head.

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