Sleep Over

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As soon as they boys stopped hugging Taka pats his pockets and Mondo recognized his look of worry within an instant.

"Mondo, I've lost my key! We have to go back into the sauna to try and find it!" Taka started to squirrel out, running around to clean up and then get to the sauna but Mondo stopped him in his tracks.

"Calm down Ishi, the sauna is closed at this time of night. You can just sleep over with me, I won't bite dude," Mondo bumped Taka side with his elbow, "Besides, might even be fun."

Taka couldn't argue with that. It was past 10pm. Maybe Mondo was right, it could be fun. "I guess your right.. It couldn't hurt." Taka wasn't going to lie, he was more than a bit nervous. Ishimaru has had a little bit of a crush on Mondo for a while, he looked up to him in a way. Mondo was never really scared, he never had his tail between his legs. He didn't bend to others, he was solid in his place. Taka on the other hand, always had a need to try and please others. He's bent and twisted for many people in his life.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Mondo cheered, but of course trying to keep it at an inside voice to please Taka, "I've never done this, this will be fun!"

"And a learning experience!" Taka added. They both laughed at that.

They both finished up and headed to Mondo's room, Taka sticking very close and practicaly dying on the inside.

"Oh goodness... I'm really doing this.. Having a "sleep over" with Mondo.. What could go wrong..?" Take thought, "I take that back. Many things could go wrong. What if I say something weird? What if he judges me on something? I've already been so open with him on things.. I'm sure he'd undertand.... But what if he-"

"Ok dude, we're here. C'mon in." Mondo unlocked his room, and held the door open for Ishi. "Sorry 'bout the mess.." Mondo mubbled, rubbing the back of his head bashfully as Taka walked into his room, looking around.

A "mess" would put it kindly. It was very disorganized. Clothes were thrown in a somewhat pile, he had magazines in a a messy pile on one of his desks, and it reeked of a smell so close to motor oil it could confuse you. But that's just how Mondo smelt, raggedy, oil and cheep cologne. It was comforting, so Taka didn't mind a bit.

"Its fine, it fits you. I can definitely tell this is your room." Taka chuckled to himself.

"Hey! Is that an insult?!" Mondo snapped back.

"Of course not!" Taka turned back and pointed to Mondo, "It just shows you are comfortable! Nothing bad!" Mondo tried to give him an intimidating look, trying to keep up his 'bad boy' look but he couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Ok ok c'mon let's get ready for bed." Mondo closed the door behind him and put up his stuff. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Taka standing there, he could tell he was uncomfortable. "Taka," Mondo started, getting the other boy's attention. "I can tell your nervous, just calm down, dude. Don't be so worried all the time. I'm not going to get mad at you."

"I know I just-" Taka spoke, but he stopped himself. "How would we even do this? I have no PJ's and there's only one bed."

"I have clothes, and we can sleep togther. No big deal." Mondo stated, but he saw Taka's worried look and added, "Unless you want to sleep alone, I could always make a bed on the floor. I don't mind doin' that either."

"No no it's ok I just- I don't know.." Taka mumbled, "This is my first time ever really doing this with a person. I'm honestly just worried about this going South." Taka admitted.

"There's no need to be worried about messin' shit up around me, Taka. I promise I'm the last person on this planet to judge ya'." Mondo reassured. He could see Taka relax at that, which made Mondo feel some sort of pride in his chest. It was a weird feeling he didn't understand.

"Now here," Mondo said, grabbing a random shirt from one of his drawers, and tossed it to Taka, who caught it and inspected it. "Its obviously going to be a bit big, but I mean, ya could just tie it."

"'Big Bro's Little Bugger'.." Taka read aloud. Mondo immediately whipped his head around and looked at Taka, sweating bullets, "A gift from your brother, I presume?" Mondo just nodded. "Its kinda cute, I wish I had a bigger sibling.."

"It was nice. You'd make a good big bro." Mondo said, as he returned to rummaging through his clothes. After a bit he handed Ishimaru some sweat pants. "I'll go change in the bathroom, knock on the door when you are done changing and I'll come out. K?" Taka just answered with a 'mhm', so Mondo left into the bathroom.

Taka was left alone, and he quickly got dressed, making sure to fold his clothes and take off his boots. He kept his clothes in a tidy pile on the floor, trying his best to not disturb the flow of Mondo's room. He couldn't help but slightly blush when he put the hem of Mondo's old shirt to his nose and smell the boy. God, he was so love struck. But in all honesty it scared Taka, almost half to death.

But he couldn't ponder that, not now at least. Mondo was waiting, so Taka knocked on the door and stood back.

"Hey it doesn't look too bad on ya'! Guess my mom's desperate tries on me making a matching outfit worked out well in the end after all!" Mondo chuckled, and Taka had to let out a little laugh as well. "Aight', c'mon let's get comfy." Mondo hopped in bed with a little bounce as he landed. He patted the space beside him on the bed and pulled the blanket and covers back.

Taka could feel his heart stop but he quietly got situated next to the larger boy. Mondo quickly covered him up and stretched out, bending his back like a cat would and fell back on the bed with a yawn.


Taka almost choaked on his words. "Y-yes.. Thank you." Mondo responded with a grunt, showing that he heard him. Taka could see Mondo roll over onto his right and get situated as he rubbed his head into his pillow getting ready for rest. Taka was stuck watching, he couldn't look away. He just didn't have the power within himself.

Taka was only brought away from his staring when he heard snoring. How fitting. He turned over so he could face away from Mondo, he'd die if he had to wake up with Mondo's face so close to his. Just thinking about it made Taka die on the spot. It hurt to think about. His heart hurt, like someone had a grasp on it and whenever he loved Mondo just that bit more the person squeezed even harder. It was a tolerable pain.

After a while Taka lost thought and drifted off to sleep, the sound of Mondo snoring and his wall clock ticking making it a bit easier to focus on something and sleep.

(wowow look at that. another one. i hope this was enjoyable!!
hug counter: 1 hug so far in total in this fic)

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