Back At Square One

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Mondo opened his eyes, but it was so bright it made his head hurt. He tried to avoid the light, turning his head to the left, but there was a weird scrapping feeling on his forehead as he did so. Carefully, Mondo opened his eyes. They were almost instantly flooded with the bright light. After adjusting, he looked up, and to his horror and shock, a large needle was ever so slightly resting on his forehead, only being held up due to a stand on the side of the bed Mondo was laying on.

He quickly tried to get out of the way, only to find out he couldn't move. Panic quickly set into Mondo, and he struggled even more. He could barely see that his arms and legs have been strapped to the bed.

"Stop trying, you can't get out."

Mondo quickly looked to see where the voice came from. To his left, was situated a lady on a chair. She was a red head, and in a nu...

"Fuck." Mondo thought instantly, after realizing the lady was a nun. "FUCK!" Mondo cussed again. He quickly connected the dots.

"Good, calm down." The lady stood up and walked to Mondo's other side, calmly saying, "Do you know why you are here?" She asked.

"Who the fuck are you." Mondo spat out. The nun chuckled.

"Oh please, you don't need to know my name." She cooned, "But, I do want to know how much you know. So spit it out, freak."

"Wh- fuck, no! Why fuckin' should I?!" Mondo shot back.

"Just tell me what you know and I'll let you out!" The nun proposed.

"I don't know what the fuck ya' are talking about! I don't know shit!"

"Lies!" The nun shreeked, "We know he told you everything about this place! Don't make us have to force it out of you!"

'He told you everything.' Mondo now understood. Taka. He was most likely what they wanted most, he has the inside knowledge and hard evidence of what's happening in this place... The asylum. The one thing Mondo promised to the smaller boy to keep him safe from. Mondo had failed Taka, he let him get taken away again.

"He didn't tell me shit!" Mondo exclaimed, "I don't know what cha' are talking about!"

"Guess we'll just have to widdle it out of you then." My nun responded. "Rest well. They will be back to introduce you to the other nut shows here." She shot Mondo a filthy look, and then exited the room. The sound of the door slamming echoed in the room, the only sound before utter silence.

It was unnerving. It was horrible.


After what felt like forever, 2 men walked in and started to undo the restraints.

"Come on, it's time for breakfast." One of the men said.

"Breakfast?" Mondo asked. "How long was I out?!"

"A whole day." The other man answered.

"Wh-" Mondo started, "Hey! Let me go! I'm not a lunatic!" The men didn't seemed bothered at all as they forced Mondo up and tied his hands behind his back. Despite Mondo's hardest efforts, he couldn't escape his binds.

"Stop talking and just work with us and it'll be a lot less painful." One said, "And don't even try with the 'im not a lunatic' bullshit, that's what they all say."

"But-" there was suddenly a harsh slap and a horrible stinging pain that followed suit. "What the fuck you assholes?! What was that for?!" Mondo shouted, but the same thing happened to his other forearm. Mondo hissed in pain, it felt like someone was slapping him with a whip.

"We said stop talking."

Mondo collectively decided to no longer speak a single word. They then walked out of the room, Mondo struggling to keep his balance but still making it work. They walked down long and gloomy hallways, the walls being rooms with no windows or light. The only way Mondo could sneak a little peak was through the little square that was bars, probably used to give patients food. It made Mondo sick to his stomach.

After a while, they reached two large wooden doors, and when they opened sound other than him breathing and the 2 men finally filled Mondo's ears. It was.. music. And people! God, lots of people. They were all in raggedy clothing, and the room itself was depressing. The smell of food filled Mondo's nose, he quickly looked around to see where it came from. That was until he felt his restraints being took off.

"Alright. Eat up, and don't kill anybody, freak." Mondo turned and saw the men walk out of the room, locking it on their way out.

Mondo looked around, and god he felt uncomfortable. He looked at his arms, and his assumption was right, the men had whipped his arms. At least they let him keep his Crazy Diamond jacket, they did change him into the same "clothes" the patients were in.

"Hey newbie!" Someone shouted, Mondo looked over and saw a group of patients at a table. It looked like they were playing Candy Land, but they didn't have the correct cards. "C'mon! I'm not waiting all day!" Mondo now knew that the voice came from a lady who had short dirty blonde hair. It was tangled and her body looked tried but her eyes seemed very lively.

Mondo hesitantly sat next to her, but she smiled and patted his back. "See? Not so hard. Now, what's got you sent here for?"

"Why should I tell you?" Mondo spat. The lady just laughed.

"Ah, I see. You think you are so big and bold, huh?" She said, before tugging on his jacket and bringing Mondo's face closer to hers. "Don't fuck around jackass. I'm probably the only sane one here who can get you out. I can tell you aren't ment to be here. You practicaly scream it."

"I don't know." Mondo said, "But why should I trust you? Who even are you?"

"Why don't you tell me your name?" The lady suggested. "Or is rock paper scissors more your thing?"

"Mondo. Mondo Owada."

"Judy. Or, if you want brownie points, call me Sister Judy."

"Wait wh-" Mondo stuttered. "THE Sister Judy? Like- the old owner?!"

"Oh! A fan I see!" Judy laughed. "How correct of you!"


(i fricking hate Covid. anyways, bink bonk. the train is rollingggg...... *does the Macarena* also, i hope you guys like the vines im choosing. just tryna make shit funny man😔
hugs: 3)

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