Getting To Know The Other You

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"I mostly wrote in notebooks about my feelings. No one else listened to me after all," Taka started, "After a while that didn't work. So, I started to talk more to Ishida. He's always been there, I just didn't like him. He was always so violent and vulgar, just out right disrespectful. But the more I listened to him the more I understood why. He was just trying to look out for me, he cared. I know now, he just didn't really know any other ways to show it."

"Doesn't he sometimes become a bother?" Mondo questioned, "I mean, it's hard enough looking out for yourself. Isn't it hard?"

"Oh no, it's not really that difficult. He knows his boundaries and is quite respectful. But he just gets agitated quickly."

"He just doesn't put up with no bullshit." Mondo answered.

"Language, Mondo." Taka scolded half heartedly.

"Yar har." Mondo responded, laying back onto Taka's bed. "Is it cool then? Like, is it kinda like a sidekick?"

"If you want to see it that way. I see him more as a brother or maybe even a mentor? It's complicated.." Taka responded.

"Are these questions making you uncomfortable?" Mondo suddenly asked. "I kinda feel like I may be forcing these out of you."

"I appreciate your concern, bro, but I really don't mind." Mondo smiled. "Its nice to feel needed.." Mondo's smile felt a little too bright. That got sad very quickly.

"Well..." Mondo dragged out, "Can you hear what the other is saying? Is it kinda like two people in your brain?"

" a way?" Taka shrugged. "I can just hear him, like a whisper. He's very good at helping me with hard choices. It's very helpful hearing another person's perspective!"

"Understandable." Mondo agreed. "On a scale from 1 to 10, how cool is it to have Ishida? 10 being, 'awesome!' and being, 'horrible.'"


"That's not even on the grid."

"Exactly. He's just that great."

"How does Ishida feel about ya' then?" Mondo asked.

"I don't know," Taka turned to look at Mondo. "Why don't you ask him?"

"I uh-" Mondo didn't know how to respond to that.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine." Taka reassured.

"How do you even-" Mondo started but like magic as soon as he blinked, poof, the chaotic Ishida appeared.

"BRO!!!!" the boy cheered and practicaly jumped on Mondo and hugging him tightly.

"Ah- thats a bit too tight-" Mondo tried to choke out but his plea fell on deaf ears as the grip just got tighter.

"How's ya been?! Good? Good! I have so many questions-! You have the anwsers so answer correctly!!" Ishida finally let go, only to shout excitedly at Mondo. "How's the gang?! School!? Are you skipping class?! You better not!! I'll beat you up!!" He threatened. Mondo wasn't worried though, this is just Ishida being loud. Like always.

"One at a time." Mondo responded. This put Ishida in his place. He sat straight up this time, and spoke again.

"How have you been?" Ishida asked more like a civil person.

"I'm good! And the gang has been good too, we recently went on a ride together as a gang." Ishida gave him the look so Mondo quickly added, "Without damaging or ruining any property, of course!" That made the boy give him a big grin and shot him a big thumbs up.

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