Blood Will Be Spilled

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Mondo walked to the main area with Cecil, as he rambled about some stupid ad he saw on the TV that Mondo drowned out, mainly just caring about having some sort of noise in the eerie hallways.

"And so the guy is like, "Oh I'll go check it out!" but a big wave washes over the ledge and- hey! Are you even listening?" Cecil asked after finally noticing how uninterested Mondo was acting, but there wasn't time for Mondo to reply as they reached they're destination. So, Mondo opened the big doors, the music and sound of people quickly filling his ears.

It didn't seem to take more than a minute for Taka to break through the people and walk up to Mondo, he seemed like he had good news.

"Mondo! There you are! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Taka quickly asked, grabbing Mondo's arm and checking it out.

"'S ok, I'm alright." Mondo reassured. "You seem to have good news though, what's the tea?" Taka smiled.

"Ah well, it's kinda stupid but," He started. "But you have the same times as me with the cooking! We still have to help with baking bread- it's fun I promise. Isn't that great?" Taka spoke smiling before seeing the doctor standing behind Mondo. "And who's that? Is that the new doctor..?"

"Yeah he is, his name is Cecil. He said he's going to help us get out." Mondo informed.

"Hi." Cecil greeted, giving Taka a little wave. "But I'll be skidadling outta here.. Don't set the place on fire! Please. You'd be surprised by the amount of attempts!" Cecil bowed quickly before escorting himself out. Mondo shook his head, and looked back at Taka who seemed to be looking at Mondo in a adoring way.

"What with that look?" Mondo asked nervously.

"Its just really nice not being alone again, I know how selfish that may sound but it's really, really nice." Taka said, looking away bashfully.

Mondo couldn't help but smile. Taka's way of always thanking people for the smallest favor or actions was adorable, but at the same way unnecessary. It was a twinge sad on how much he thanked people, always trying to seem grateful so the person didn't assume he could possibly be even the slightest bit greedy.

"I'm glad I could make ya happy, Taka." Mondo replied, not missing how the smaller boy's cheeks flushed at the causal use of his nickname. "Now, don't you have some bread to teach me to bake? Not to brag or anything but I have a whooping 0% of knowledge on how to do it." Mondo admitted. Taka chuckled.

"Of course! It's not too hard, more tedious! But still annoying to do, I'm certain you can master it though!" Taka spoke, grabbing onto Mondo hand and walking him to the broken off kitchen, not even thinking about how he was technically holding Mondo's hand. "Ok- it's simple to start but.."


After many, many failed attempts, Mondo finally figured out baking.

It was well after all the other patients and nuns have left the kitchen, telling the boys it was they're first time to close it down for the night. Both the boys had a fair amount of batter on their clothes, trying they're best to dust it off but not getting far.

"Well that was-" Mondo started, after coughing when erupting a big batter cloud in his general direction when trying to clean, "Interesting!" He finished.

Taka laughed. "You did fine! You learn quickly when you put in the effort, Mondo." He lectured, but Mondo rolled his eyes, no real heat behind the action.

"Yeah yeah I know." Mondo replied, finishing up his area and taking off his apron that Taka made him wear, saying it was mandatory to wear it to make less mess. "Don't we have to go to sleep after this?"

"I'm pretty sure," Taka responsed, finishing as well. "I mean, we don't know our rooms yet so they have to show us. I'm sure they are on they're way to show us soon." Mondo noded in agreement.

"I hope we can possibly be next to each other." Mondo blurted out. Taka let out a sad sigh.

"Me too.. I'm not trying to sound weak or pathetic but I really just want to be alone." Taka admitted.

"You aren't weak or pathetic for feeling that way, bro." Mondo said. "I understand how you feel completely though.." There was a mutual unspoken dreadful feeling.

Not long after, there was knock at the door and a nun opened it. She was younger than most of them, her golden blond hair being tucked neatly behind her ears as her baby blue eyes looked forgiving and light.

"Are you guys ready? It's almost lights out." She spoke softly.

"Yes we are, thank you." Taka responded, and she opened the door for them both to walk out.

"Ok well on this paper it says that.." The nun read off, flipping through some pages she had on a clipboard. "Ah! Here it states you two will have to be next to eachother, we just don't have room to waste.." She finished. "I hope you guys don't mind too much.."

The boys then reassured the nun that it was fine, but secretly thanking any gods in their heads for the small miracle. The nun then locked the doors, and had them follow her down some hall ways until they reached 2 rooms.

Depressing was the closest way to describe them. Sad, gloomy, upsetting and desolate. No windows, just the small square of bars on the door near the top. Just a small bed and a single pillow. The nun ushered the boys in, and locked the doors with a silencing clank.

Now, it was just eveyone and they're mind numbing thoughts and the silence as the dreadful feeling really set it.

Mondo flopped on his bed in defeat, it had been too long of a day. Taka on the other hand felt paralyzed, his thoughts quickly clouding his clear state of mind so he quietly called for Mondo, sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall.

"Mondo? Are you asleep yet?" He whispered. Taka heard some noise, and ruffling of clothing and what sounded like a grunt. He could only assume that Mondo was now in the position same as him, the best way to properly talk.

"No, I don't think I'll ever fall asleep here." Mondo whispered back, resting his head on the wall with a small thump. He could feel Taka's presence on the other side of the wall, probably the best feeling in the whole room. It felt colorful, kind, fuzzy and warm. A perfect mask for the rest of the suffocating feelings in the room, as if it was the Swamp of Sadness from the Never Ending Story.

Taka looked to his side, and saw a small, tiny hole in the wall. With the words on his tounge, he quickly said, "Mondo, watch your left. Tell me if you see something." Taka then stuck his finger through the hole, and wiggled it a bit.

"What the fuck is that??"

"So it does go straight through to you.." Taka spoke to himself. He felt another warm feeling on his finger, and he felt it try it's best to hold on. After identifying the feeling was Mondo's finger holding his, Taka's cheeks flushed.

"Hey look at that, finger hand holding." Mondo said while smiling, the small action making him feel much better. He felt Taka tighten his grasp.

"Finger hand holding.." Taka repeated lovingly, his heart swelling with cozy feelings.

"Does this make you feel better?" Mondo asked.

"Much. You?"


(dang this took too long im sorry holy honk stuhfsutsstj happy late, late Thanksgiving :'] i hope y'all enjoyed! also i just decied that blood will stay pink like it is in the games, i just think it's kinda funky :0 anyways-
hugs: too tired to count)

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