Spilling The Tea

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It was steamy in the sauna as the two boys sat there just enjoying the other's company.

"Hey Taka," Mondo suddenly spoke out. "You never really told me about your past." Taka looked over at his bro, and looked down.

"I guess I haven't." He started, "I won't lie to you Mondo, but it was exactly the best thing someone could go through."

"If you don't want to tell me that's ok. I understand if you don't want too." Mondo put his hand on Taka's back in a reassuring way.

"No, I want to. Just, can you promise me to not think any less of me as a person?"  Ishimaru looked at Mondo, his tone serious. Mondo understood now that Taka was about to open a can of worms he's been holding in.

"Of course. I could never think less of you, dude!" Ishimaru smiled at that, and sighed.

"Well, it started when my family got worried about my.. love interests." Mondo figured he should stay silent, so he nodded to show he was paying attention. "So, they figured to send me to an Asylum. Why did they think that? I have no idea." Mondo was shocked. To say the least. How could a man like Ishimaru have survived something like that? Taka seemed to read Mondo's facial expression and quickly added, "It wasn't as bad as you think I promise. The treatment was the worst. I mean, I made friends so it wasn't so bad." Taka mumbled the last part. Mondo could tell he was lying, it was bad.

"Well, who were your friends?" Mondo asked, trying to possibly lighten the mood.

"One was a sex addict, another said they could hear voices in her head. They both died there." Taka answered. "They couldn't remember their names, I figure it was the medication they gave us. It made me feel like my brain was mush and it gave me horrible headaches."

Mondo was speechless. He didn't know how wrap his head around this. Is that why Taka was such a stuck up for rules? Obviously breaking the rules there would end up in some sort of tortuous treatment. It only made sense.

"When I got there I quickly caught onto something. I don't remember what it was, but it worried the nuns there."


"Yes, nuns. They weren't all bad. One helped me escape. The old owner actually turned onto a patient. I don't know much because I felt shortly after, but what I heard from the nun is that she 'went insane with power' and just fell apart when another nun challenged her power."

"Why don't you rememeber what you caught onto?" Mondo asked, "I know you maybe forgot but-"

"No I didn't forget it," Ishimaru interrupted. "They used electric therapy on me. Made me forget. It hurt, so so much." Mondo could see Taka was getting more upset the more he talked. "They way they treated us.. It was unfair beyond belief. They.." Taka stopped, he clearly reached the worst part and he couldn't find a way to get the words out his mouth.

"Hey hey its ok, you don't have to keep telling me." Mondo reassured. "Its getting late anyways. Let's go to the bath house and clean up, ok?" Ishimaru only nodded.


Once they got settled in the bath together Taka started to speak once more.

"There was a doctor there," he started,
"He was horrible. Truly twisted. He'd do 'harmless' experiments on patients. He-"

"Did he hurt you?"

Taka was caught of guard by Mondo's concern.

"Well, of course. It wasn't half as bad as others. I knew better to fight back. He wanted to see if there was a possible mutation in my brain that made me be more attracted to the same gender. He didn't get far, because after he tried a few times before someone walked in and took control of my treatment. It wasn't really any better."

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry." Mondo stated again, he looked right into Taka's eyes. Ishimaru quickly looked away after they made eye contact.

"I... Thank you.." Taka muttered, a little bit of a pink tint on his cheeks, he never really revived any concern from many people he knew. It made him feel loved.

Mondo grabbed Taka's hands and said, "Im sorry you had to go through this. This isn't right."

"Ah- I know its not right. But I can't really shut it down. I have a feeling they'd try and put me back in there.." Taka looked down at where Mondo grabbed his hands, and he could feel his face heat up.

"Was there anything good about this Asylum? I mean, there had to be some sort of emotinal release for the patients. Right?"

"If you want to count a big living area where the same song played everyday over and over again emotinal release then, sure. I sure didnt. I liked helping in the kitchen though. Making the bread was actually a good learning experience." Ishimaru gave a little smile remembering that memory. His smile was so pure to Mondo. "I really thought the new doctor would be better but, looks can be deceiving. He made me look at.. pictures and he had me hooked up to an IV. He controlled the flow of the fluid so I wouldn't take to much. If I ever.. liked a picture I was forced to throw up. He was trying to train my body to be revolted of something arousing. It makes sense, but it just didn't work. So, he tried a more.. real approach."

"Are you saying he made you look at porn and if you got aroused you threw up?" Mondo questioned, surpsrised.

"No need to be so vulgar!" Taka scolded, "But yes, after he found out it didn't work he tried to make me 'realive' myself while seeing an actuall person. He said, 'This lady here thinks you are super sweet. She's willing to help,' and she was naked. I was so uncomfortable. I hated it." Ishimaru brought his knees to his chest. "I felt bad. He told me to try and touch her but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I threw up and I just had to tell the doc I needed a break. After a few more tries he came to the conclusion my 'illness' couldn't be helped. I was relieved, but it meant I couldn't get out. Or, realised at least."


"I'm just glad I'm not there anymore. But I'd like to see Judy again, the old owner. She may have been rude, but what I saw before I left was sickeningly disturbing. She couldn't remember anything, let alone have a proper conversation. They ruined her, they broke her."

Ishimaru then suddenly got out of the bath, uttering a 'its getting cold' before he got dressed and waited for Mondo. As soon as Mondo got dressed he gave Ishimaru a big hug.

"I'm sorry, again. I so so sorry Taka." He held him close, as if he was worried he'd be taken back. He heard Taka whisper a 'thank you' before he hugged Mondo back.

Taka felt safe for once in his life.

(hey wow look at that. first chapter. weewoo. i hope it was somewhat enjoyable!)

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