Looking At Facts

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Taka awoke feeling a great warmth around his body. As he whiped his eyes he now sees and remembers that he ended up falling asleep while cuddling Mondo. He immediately wanted to go back to sleep. It was so comfy. Then he remembered it was a school day. And he had class at 7.

Taka quickly untangled himself from Mondo's asleep form, still snoring. Taka quickly looked at the time.


Taka quickly gathered his belongings, and tried his best to not be rude when shaking Mondo awake.

"Bro, c'mon wake up. We slept in, class is in 40 minutes." Mondo woke up quickly after hearing how much time they had left.

"Do you want to shower or'-"

"No I'm fine, I can shower later today. You go ahead, I'll get dressed. Sorry for sleeping in-" Mondo rambled, springing up from the bed to get dressed. Taka looked caught off guard by Mondo saying he could shower in his room but after seeing Mondo give him a thumbs up he didn't hesitate any longer. They were on a time crunch, Mondo could care less about being late but he knew it would bother Ishimaru, so he hurried for his sake.

After a while, Mondo heard Taka get out, already dressed. Mondo was aswell, he just had to fix his hair while Taka put on his shoes. All together they were ready to go with only 8 minutes to spare, they quickly walked to their classes to start the day.


It was now lunch period, while Taka was on his way to the cafeteria he was stopped by Makoto.

"Ishimaru! I noticed your key near the sauna, so I thought I'd return it to you." Naegi said, handing Taka the key.

"Thank you Makoto!" Taka put the key back in his pocket, but after bowing to Makoto his appreciation. Naegi just smiled back.

Once Taka took a seat in the cafeteria after getting his lunch he did some studying while waiting for Mondo. But speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hey bro!" Mondo exclaimed. He walked up to the smaller boy, but he didnt sit.

"Hello again Owada!" Taka stopped what he was doing and looked up at Mondo. "Are you going to eat?"

"Nah, I'm going to my dorm to shower. I'll be back though! Wait for me, k?"

"Of course!" Mondo gave him a smile before he walked away, but Taka quickly grabbed the end of his jacket before he could walk away. "Wait, bro. Before you go, I'd just like to say I want to show you something today after classes."

"Is it homework I missed?" Mondo joked.

"No, unless you missed homework! Did you? I can help you study!"

"No, I didn't. Don't stress." Mondo patted Taka's hand, and he let go. "But I understand, I'll meet cha there." Taka nodded, not wanting to keep Mondo from doing his business. After Mondo left Taka just went back to his studies.


"Hey bro!" Mondo called, classes were done and he caught Ishimaru on his way leaving class. "I'm ready to see what ya' wanna show me!" Taka quickly caught up to Mondo, being careful not to run. They both made their way to Taka's dorm, where he unlocked the door for them.

"You can sit on my bed and wait for me to get it out, I myself have never look at it. I didn't think I was ready, I was scared. But I think you've gave me the confidnce to look at it, and I think you should be able to see it aswell. Sense, you've already been this involved." Mondo was confused by Taka's word choice. He's never even seen it? What on Earth was this man hiding? Mondo looked over to see Ishimaru going through a bottom drawer on his closet. After a while Taka took out a bag like thing, and sat next to Mondo on the bed.

"What is it?" Mondo asked, but Taka didn't anwser, but he opened the bag, and took out a lot of papers.

"My patient files." Taka responded. He moved them close to Mondo to get a better look. On the first page was a picture of Ishimaru. You could tell he was younger. 

"How.. how did you get these?" Modno questioned. 

"The nun, the one who helped me out. She hoped that I might write to the news about the place, and the files would be hard evidence. But I was too scared. I still am," Taka muttered, handing Mondo the papers. He flipped to the next page, and saw even more photos of him. One was a picture of Taka on a holiday, there was a tree and decorations. He looked happy enough, but Mondo felt akward seeing Taka smile like that. It looked really forced. "I'm so afraid to go back, I tell myself to do nothing to possisbly exspose myself to them again. That's why I haven't spoken about it. Other than you, of course." Taka looked over at Mondo sadly. 

"Don't worry. They won't take you back. I promise." Mondo reasured. Taka smiled at that. "Do you.. want to read some of it?"

"I'd rather not, I remember everything all too well anyways. But I thought this could be a way for you to actually get a deeper look into my stay there." Mondo nodded. He flipped the next page, and it was covered wholy in text. One of the first things it said was, "Said patient struggled again, we had to knock him unconscious for us to do a checkup." The more Mondo read the more uncomfortable he got. This was almost word for word on what he Taka everyday. 

A few pages later, Mondo reached a few pages where they went into detail about his punishment he got when be stepped out of line when he broke the music player. It talked about how they whipped him, beat him, and even left him in a room alone with no food nor water for 2 whole days. All he did was break a music player, and it even states that they later got a Jukebox.. That's when he decied this was the end.  He closed the papers and gave them back to Taka, who ended up reading a history book while he waited patiently. 

"Here, I think I've read enough..." Taka took back the files, and put them back.

"That was... depressing." Mondo stated when Taka sat back down. "Even 'depressing' is an understatement." Taka just nodded. 

"Do you now understand?"

"Understand what?"

"Why I always have a sense and need to follow rules." That caught Mondo off gaurd. He did now see it. Anytime Ishimaru did something wrong there he got punished far beyond what was necessary. It made sense. A lot of sense at that.

Taka must've caught onto Mondo's shocked and understanding expression. "Do you see why?"

"I do." Mondo agreed. "I understand completely." Taka smiled to himself.

"I'm so glad someone finally undertsands.." Taka began to tear up, "Kids at my old school made fun of me for my fixation on following the rules. They called me names and pushed me around." Taka angerily whiped away his tears with the back of his hand, muttering a quiet 'sorry' as he did, "They had no way of understanding. If they could just.. try and be nice. I got so angry. I don't like being mad, Mondo. It's not a nice feeling. I didn't know how to let it out. But I had to somehow. It would be impossible."

"What'd you do?" Mondo asked. "If you don't mind me asking." 


(nnnnnggghh,,, that was very hard to write. inspo went *poof*.  sorry if this chap was kinda short, i felt that way about it anyways... anywo, yes this chap ended on a cliffhanger type deal. is there a reason? yes. please be patient this is where i'm uncertain where i'd like to take this story- :') hug counter: 2. expect a lot of hugs...)

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