As Hell Breaks Lose

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After playing a few rounds of I Spy, Taka feel asleep on Mondo's shoulder. Judy came over (after a hidden smoke break) and gave the taller boy a run down of the rules and what to never do.

"Don't rough-house, don't break anything, don't turn off the music, and dont- I repeat, DONT speak back to Mary."

"Mary?" Mondo asked. Judy nodded.

"The new owner. She's a redhead. People say she's possessed by a demon." Judy said, "You've probably not seen her ye-"

"I think she was there when I woke up." Mondo interrupted. Judy looked surprised.

"Really? She's really facing the bull heads on now ain't she." Judy mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"Well- you are going to be a great obstacle for her. She wants your little birdie over there," Judy said, pointing to Taka, who was soundly asleep. "She has great interest for him. He holds the key of shutting down the place. Well, and now you too. But they want him more."

"What're they gonna do? Put a fucking shock collar on me?" Mondo said, half jokingly.

"Don't give them ideas!" Judy scolded.

"I was just jokin'!"

"They aren't!" Judy shot back, seriousness lacing though every word. "This isn't a joke for them. People have died here, thanks to Mary. I may not like you very much, but I'll be damned if you die and he's stuck here."

"What about you?" Mondo asked.

"I'll probably die here." Judy answered.

"Like hell I'll let you die, your getting out with us if I have to drag your old ass." Mondo stated. Judy laughed.

"I have my own fair share of debts I need to pay." She said, standing up, everyone else was leaving back inside, and she left the pair without another word spoken.


After making they're way inside, Taka seemed to wake up opening his eyes slowly and asking, "Wh... Where am I...?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Good morning- er uh- afternoon, Taka.." Mondo said quietly. This was just the calm before the storm, and Mondo already felt so guilty. He has been trying to mentally prepare himself for this all morning.

"Mondo? What are we doing? Where are we...." Taka trailed on looking around, his eyes slowly growing wide before he hastily looked back. "Mondo. Tell me this is a dream. No- a nightmare. Pinch me." When Mondo didnt reach closer to pinch the man, he added in more distress, "Quick! Wake me up!"

"Taka... This isn't a nightmare. This is real." Mondo said, trying to be calm and soothing, but anxiety was deeply hidden in his voice.

"No.." Taka said, shaking his head. "No.. No no no no- this-!" Taka looked around more frantically, and then harshly grabbed onto Mondo arms and spoke, with strong sturdy words, "What the are we doing here."

"Taka we-" Mondo spoke, before Taka's grasp got even tighter, his nails digging into Mondo's skin making him hiss in slight pain. "The café- we were drugged, they-" Taka's grip getting stronger, Mondo could only assume that was Ishida getting out of the boy.

Before Taka could say another word, he felt his body being pulled of Mondo.

"Calm down you little rascal!" Judy spoke, holding Taka, she looked over his shoulder and grabbed his chin, making Taka look right into her eyes.

"...Judy?" Taka asked, bewildered. "You-!"

"Yada yada I know I know." Judy said, letting go of Taka and patting his back. "Now calm down, let's think rationally now!" That left Taka speechless, until tears slowly leaked out of his eyes and he sat down on a chair, completely defeated.

"I can't believe this.." he spoke, "You're alive.. and I'm back.. in this hell. A-and Mondo is here..." he wept. "We're doomed! I'm going to die here!" Taka cried, but Judy made him look up at her.

"Now listen here, ok?" Taka nodded. "We won't die here. We will get out, some way or another. See this as another learning experience. Don't lose hope so quickly!" Taka looked away.

"Besides," Mondo started. "I'm sure Hopes Peek is a little worried about two of their students missing. If they investigated in your room, I'm sure they'd find your old files. It would only be about a month or two before they find us. At most." Mondo said reassuringly. Taka just nodded.

"See? It's not all that bad." Judy said, "you just have to tough it out. If you could make it.. What? 6? 5? Years in here, a month or 2 isn't shit compared to that. You're strong lil man." she spoke. Taka sighed.

"Your right.. I'm sorry for breaking out like that." Taka spoke, quietly. Suddenly, there was a burst at the doors as they swung open, and a single nun walked out.

"Oh fuck.." Judy spoke. "There's the Devil herself." It was Mary, and she looked positively pissed. Her eyes were poisonous but her smile looked the complete opposite.

"Alright everybody!" She cheered. "As you may know, we got some new newbies here! I wanted to introduce everyone earlier but I had some business to attend." She spoke, shooting Judy the dirtiest glare to grace this earth. "But here I am! So come up and introduce yourselves, new comers!" She gestured for Taka and Mondo to walk up next to her.

Mondo was hesitant, but after Taka quickly got up made Mondo feel more comfortable. So, they boys walked up, and stood on each side of Mary. She looked at Mondo first and said, "Well? What's your name?"

"Uh... Mondo. Mondo Owada.." Mondo barley grit out. She then looked over at Taka, and without her even having to speak a word he bowed and spoke.

"My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and I believe in bold simplicity!" Mondo smiled to himself, though it was very bitter sweet. That's what Taka always did when he introduced himself, and apparently even when he's back in an asylum that tortured him for most of his teen years.

"Well done! Well done..." Mary spoke. "Now! Everyone line up! You know what time it is!" And without further notice, 2 other nuns walked in the room while Mary left. They held trays, with disposable cups on each one. All the patients lined up, while Taka and Mondo stood on the side lines.

Taka tried to suppress a shiver of anxiety as he was the cups. He spoke, "That's the medication they make you take.."

"The stuff that made your head hurt?" Mondo asked. Taka nodded. "Do we have to take it?"

"If you don't your asking for a punishment.." Taka said sadly, as he walked away to get in line. Mondo has never felt so... alone. There was many people in the room, but it felt empty. As if everyone there in the room was souless, just going with the flow of this horrid place. Mondo eventually got in line, took the medication and sat at a table.

He could feel Taka's overwhelming feeling of doom. It was poisonous, to say the least. The emotion was practically seeping out of the boys seems. If you just touched him, the whole dam would break and all the water would run free. Mondo now truly understood the feeling of upcoming doom. They were just scratching the surface of this place. Many dark deep, dangerous and bloody secretes were sure to be dug out here.

Mondo could only wish for it to try and take pity upon him and Taka. This was one hell storm that would need a lot of durability to withstand.

(yarhar.. another chapter hrwhtwfhwf sorry that they've been kinda going out slow. i hate school. also if you make a JFK joke with Mondo saying "er uh" im going to come and take ur kneecaps cutely❤ anyways- i don't really know what else to say other than: i hope you enjoyed!
hugs: 4)

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