Time For A Checkup

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It felt like hours have passed in the same big room, the same jolly music repeating itself over and over, and the only other sound being from the other patients.

Mondo was slumped over the table, his head hurt like hell. It was a stinging pain that made him feel like his skull could crack open at any given moment, and his throat felt like there was something trying desperately to get out. The music was zooned out, and the only sound he could really focus on being the ringing in his ears. He looked over his arms, which were desperately wrapped around his head, hoping to possibly help the pain. Taka looked somewhat fine, other than the nervous picking at his hands and the nervous glaces around the room.

Mondo thumped his head back on the table with a 'bonk', his pomp already fallen apart, his locks draping over his ears and parts of his eyes. At this point, Mondo wished for something new and different. Boring wasn't the right word, it was too simple to explain the type of agonizing waiting feeling he had in his gut.

"..Mondo?" Taka spoke up, his voice almost a whisper. Mondo could only let out a grunt in acknowledgment. "How do you feel? You look horrible.."

"Like shit." Mondo replied bluntly, not even having it in himself to look up. He felt Taka lean on him and wrap his arms around his slumped body, patting his sides in a reassuring way.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted you to deal with this like I did.."

"Don't be sorry. 'S not your fault we're here." Mondo mumbled.

"Well.. It's not yours either," Taka said, catching onto Mondo's guilt quickly. "Please don't blame yourself." Mondo only let out a groan, all the talking was making his headache worse, the pain getting excruciating.

"K..." Mondo let out, too exhausted to say anything more, and closing his eyes thinking maybe a nap could help his pain. It's not like there was a school nurse to give him ice and make it all feel better. He could feel Taka comb through Mondo's hair, it was nice. He knew the other boy was trying to help, and that fact alone made him feel better.


"Uh.. Hello? You alive?" Said a voice, "Hellllooooo??" It called again, Mondo slowly opened his eyes, only to be meet with gentle brown eyes. Mondo instinctively tried to back away, but he was stuck, so the man backed away from him.

"Ok great! Sorry if that was kinda weird I didnt mean to invade you personal space!" The man said. Mondo couldn't really get a good look, his vision was still blurry. But the man looked like he had curly light brown hair, a pair of glasses and wearing a lab coat. The best way to describe him was like a stick bug. Tall and freakishly skinny.

"Ok- don't panic." The man called, "Trust me when I say that too- and that I'm on your side." He reached over and got a small metal object, and moved over to Mondo's legs. After a while, there was an audible 'click' noise. Mondo instinctively tried to move his leg, and luckily it was free. The man undid the rest of Mondo's restraints and walked back, put the key down and stood proudly.

"See? I don't mean no harm. I wanna help you."

"Who are you." Mondo quickly asked, rubbing where the restraints had been.

"Cecil, it's a pleasure to be your doctor here, Mr Owada." Cecil smiled, and Mondo could see now how much of a dork he looked. He had freckles on his face and even some on his arms and wrists, and he had some of the stupidest pair of dorky glasses Mondo's eyes have ever looked at.

"Why are you helping me?" Mondo questioned, looking around the room. There was a projector, and a table with papers on it. It looked very bare, no windows at all, and next to his chair was a bucket.

"Because it's what I like to do," Cecil replied happily. "And because I know you don't need to be here. Yes, you may have a little case of the homosexuality, which isn't wrong at all! I'm just here to try and fix it, but we really just need to fake it so they let you go."

"Are you saying I'm gay??"

"Absolutely." Mondo wanted to slam his head on a wall.

"Don't be harsh on yourself! Why, love is love and what's wrong with that?" Cecil sang lovingly, clapsing his hands together and closing his eyes as he swooned. "Love is fantastic, why these nuns here hate it is beyond me."

"But what if I'm not gay?" Mondo asked, clearly being stubborn and very ignorant. Cecil just looked at him.

"That's something for you to understand yourself, let's just get this check up done so I can make the appointment more accordingly to your health." Cecil replied, going to the desk and opening up a cabinet. He took out a few tools and walked back over to Mondo.

"Ok, say 'ah'!"

"I'm not a fuckin' kid." Mondo spat.

"Don't make me shove this q-tip up your nose."

Mondo quickly did as told, and respectfully did the rest of the tasks.

"Ok.... You seem pretty healthy for a stubborn gang leader.." Cecil spoke, looking over his papers. Mondo rolled his eyes. "Ok, well, do you know how this will work?"

"No fuckin' idea."

"Hm well. This will be kinda awkward." Cecil replied, tapping the tip of his pen on his chin. "Hasn't your little.. What should I call him? Friend? Gosh you seem closer than that.."

"Oh my god just spill the fucking beans." Mondo gritted out. "This little asshole!" Mondo thought.

Cecil squirmed in discomfort. "Pretty much we will make your body learn to be revolted of things that are arousing. Ring a bell? Any?...Like Taco Bell?"

Mondo just covered his face with his hands. "Yes. I understand. Please stop talking now." Cecil hastily nodded. At least his doctor didn't seem like a asshole like Taka's was. Maybe it wouldnt be so hard.

"Any... Questions?" Cecil asked hesitantly.

"Yes. One."

"Ok, shoot!"

"Are you going to be Taka's doctor too? Does he still have to do this treatment?"

"Unfortunately yes, but I heard all the tales about the old doctor. I pinky promise I won't do anything he isn't comfortable with, ok?" Cecil questioned.

"Your fucking promise?

"I promise. And if I do, you have persimmon to kick my teeth in. Deal?"

Mondo couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Its a deal."

"Ok great!" Cecil smiled and clapped. "Now, let's get you back. Its almost time for dinner. Most of it is edible!" Mondo shook his head, but allowed himself to be escorted back to the main living area.

(i hope u guys like Cecil.....🥺 i like him at least. please spare his soul. anywho- yeah. another chapter🎉hope y'all enjoyed! this one kinda went NYOOOM and came out fast. hope y'all don't mind that :)
hugs: 5)

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