What Is This Feeling? (Part 1)

352 10 21

November 30, 1991

Veronica's POV

I go to the prison to see Heather before I leave for Harvard. She has a very scared look on her face. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Not really. Henry had visited a few days before you did, but I didn't say anything to you because I thought it was just him being an asshole. Now I'm being ridiculed constantly by the other inmates." The panic in her voice was very evident. "Yeah, I confronted him while he was being interviewed for the news. Now everyone thinks I'm your lesbian lover or something. Luckily it's fucking Sherwood, Ohio and this shit won't make it back to Boston. And if it's really bad here, maybe my dad can get you transferred to another prison." My dad knows a lot of people who can make that happen should she need to be transferred. I have a feeling Heather won't want to report this herself. "I'll think about it." She nods. "I can give you his number." I will probably write her a letter and include his business card. "I'd appreciate that." She smiles. I give her a look. "What?" She asks. "Just... stay safe. I'm a little worried." I don't know know why I that. I'm always worried for her but this felt different.

After I leave, I go to the house to pack. Heather is sitting on the couch. I avoid eye contact and go upstairs. JD had gone to help his mom with something so it was just Hank, Heather, and I. Once I'm finished packing. I bring my stuff downstairs. "Oh are you guys leaving already?" Hank asks. "Yeah. We want to get as close as we can before staying at a motel." I explain. "That's a good plan. Do you want help loading your stuff into the car?" I look down at all my stuff, "If you don't mind." He looks at Heather, "Heather would you please help her?" Heather rolls her eyes at me before getting up and picking up some of my stuff.

Once we're outside, I open the trunk to put the stuff in. Heather throws my stuff in very hard. "I can't fucking stand you." I mutter. "What was that?" She gives me a clearly fake smile. "Nothing." I give one back. I get the rest of my stuff from the house, put it in the car and go back inside. I sit in the kitchen, waiting for JD to get back. I hear the front door open so I get up. As I'm walking out of the kitchen, Heather walks in, definitely bumping into me on purpose. I ignore it. I hug JD when he comes in. "Hey, I've already got my stuff packed. So once you get yours in the car, we're good." I tell him. "Okay. I'll go get it." He kisses me, then heads upstairs. Jill passes him. "So you guys are heading out?" She asks. "Yeah." I nod. "Well I'm heading to work, I'll see you guys when you come back for Christmas." She hugs me and walks out to her car.

Heather stares at me the entire time JD's upstairs. I just ignore her and wait for JD. When he gets back, I'm so ready to go. I rush to the car and get in. "Are you okay?" He asks when he gets in. "Just sick of Heather being a bitch and staring at me." I sigh. "Yeah she's annoying." He starts the car.

We make it to a motel. We take what we need for tonight and go inside. The lady at the front desk, who looks around twenty-five, is very flirty. With me. JD has a smirk on his face the entire time. I feel weird about it. I can't explain it. All I know if my face felt hot. Once we get to our room, he bursts out laughing. "Shut up." I go into the bathroom. "What? You just got hit on by the lady who works at the motel. That is a little funny. And don't think I didn't see you blushing." He turns on the TV. I stop, "I was not!" I yell. "Whatever you want to tell yourself, Veronica." I hear him giggling like a fucking teenager girl.

I come out of the bathroom and sit on the other bed. "I'm kidding, Ronnie. Besides even if you did find that lady attractive, I wouldn't be mad." He says. "What you think I like girls?" I ask. I obviously have nothing against women liking other women. Everyone heard me say that on live television. But I've been with men all my life. I've been with JD for three years and I'm madly in love with him. "That's not what I said, but if you do that's fine." He shrugs. I roll my eyes and lie down.

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