To Have A Home

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July 7, 1991

Veronica's POV

Tomorrow is the last day of camp. Everyone is very sad about it. My girls are now all hanging out together. They've started to help Hannah feel like a part of the group. I lean against the fence while the kids play Gaga Ball. Hannah comes up beside me to watch. "You don't want to play?" I ask. "No." She shakes her head. I let it go because Gaga Ball is extremely aggressive and I think I've met my quota for the week.

We go to dinner and when I turn around to look at my girls, I see Hannah in the middle of them. They're laughing and Hannah is telling them something. JD follows my gaze. "Wow. That's great." He smiles. I do the same.

All the kids spread out and play a bunch of different games. Even most of the counselors join them. Alyssa and I are left on the porch. "So did you have a good time?" She asks. "I did. If you need someone next year, I'd definitely come back." She laughs, "Yeah I'd say you were a hit. And most of your girls besides Lydia and Emma are thirteen so you'd still have them next year." I look over at Ryan, who's playing basketball with his kids. "So are you and Ryan... like a thing?" I turn to her. "No we're friends. We've been friends since we were fourteen. We met here actually." She says. "Can I tell you a secret? You can't tell anyone or I could lose my job." She looks around to make sure nobody is around. "Yeah, of course. My lips are sealed." I assure her. "I've never been into guys. I've know that I like girls since I was fifteen. But my family would kill me and it's 1991 in Ohio." She admits. "I won't tell anyone. But JD and I aren't homophobic. One of my best friends is gay and I love her. If you tell JD, he'll be very supportive of you as well." I tell her. "Okay then," She shrugs. "JD!" She calls. JD comes over. "What is it?" He asks. "I'm gay." She says. "Okay," He nods. I can't help but chuckle at his reaction. "That was easy." She chuckles. "I don't care who you like. Well... I do. Don't date anyone who may kill you." I burst out laughing. "Good tip." She nods.

After JD returns to his kids, I turn to Alyssa, "See? Nothing to worry about. Though I do agree that it is a risk to come out to everyone. Parents nowadays still aren't very progressive and won't want you near their kids." I sigh. "Which I think is stupid," I add. "I agree. But thanks." We hug.

We go to campfire. "I have an idea." Chloe stands up.  "What?" Alyssa asks. "One of the counselors should sing us a song on the last night." All my girls look at me. "Huh?" Why are they looking at me. "We've heard you in the shower when you think nobody is around. You're incredible." Brooke says. "Okay I may have written a song when I was eighteen." I had written the song when we moved into college. "What's it called?" Lydia asks. "To Have A Home." I answer.

Dan gets his guitar and sits next to me. I tell him the tempo and he starts playing.
I've heard the word before
It's never meant much more
Than just a thing I've never had
A place
They say, hey, know your place
But I've never had a place to even know
Or a face that I could go to
If I needed someone there..." I look around at all the people listening to me.
"I'm laughing
It's hard to hide a smile
My god, it's been a while
Since I have had a reason to
To think
It's been here all along
Somewhere to belong
And a reason
A something to believe in...
I've finally found it
A place where I'm wanted...
This must be how it feels
To have a home" Dan starts doing a guitar riff. Everyone is paying attention to me and it's kind of weird because I'm not used to singing in front of other people.
"I used to dream about it
But never schemed or counted
On fantasies or wishes
It breaks a man to see what he misses
And so many nights I'd pray
For a better life, and a better day
But I never thought that it'd come true
It's finally here and I don't know what to do...
And I'm trying not to cry
This must be how it feels
To have a home." Dan does an instrumental part.

"I've finally made it
I've hoped and I've waited
And for the first time in my life
I don't feel so alone
My heart starts to heal
To know this is real
This is how it must feel
To have a home..."

I hold the last note until it feels right. Everyone claps once Dan stops playing. "That was amazing!" Hannah exclaims. "Thank you." I do a small bow. "I'm so impressed." Alyssa laughs. "Alright, we're done. Let's go girls!" I stand up. They all protest and ask for me to keep singing. "No. Now come on."

"Get into bed, I don't want you being tired for your parents." I tell them once we're in our cabin. They all talk about my song. "I'm glad you liked it, but go to sleep." I lay down.

In the morning, we eat breakfast and come back. "Get your stuff packed so you're ready to go when your parents show up." I tell them. I start packing my stuff so I can get out as soon as possible.

Annabeth's dad shows up to get her. "Bye Annabeth." I give her a hug. "Bye." They leave after she says goodbye to everyone. Emma's mom gets her. Brooke's parents show up to take her and Chloe. "Bye Miss Veronica!" They hug me. "Bye girls. Stay out of trouble." I warn them. They just giggle. Lydia's father shows up with who I can only assume is her stepmother based on how Lydia reacts to her showing up. "Wish me luck." She whispers to me before leaving.

Hannah and I wait for her to get picked up. Her sister finally shows up in a work uniform. "Hi banana. I'm so sorry, I left straight from work to get you." Hannah hugs her. "Lex, this is Veronica." Hannah motions to me. "Hi, I'm Hannah's sister Lex." We shake hands. "Nice to meet you. Your sister was great." Hannah smiles at me. "That's great! Well we should get going. Ethan's waiting up for us." Hannah hugs me and goes with her sister.

I bring my stuff to the car and go to JD's. He is just bringing his luggage out. "Hey, your kids gone?" I ask. "Yep." I help him with some of his stuff.

We have a final meeting before hugging and exchanging information with the others. We get in the car and drive off.

So I know this chapter was a little different. But I liked it and who knows? Maybe Veronica will sing more often. But I hope you enjoyed it and the song she sang is "To Have A Home" by Darren Criss from A Very Potter Sequel. Bye!

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