Fearless (Part 1)

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September 24, 1991

I get to my creative writing class with JD beside me. "You didn't have to walk me today." I tell him. "I wanted to. Besides I have enough time to get to my class." He kisses my cheek. Behind him I see Aaron glaring at us. JD notices where I'm looking and turns around. "Keep moving, Aaron." He warns. He looks back at me and pecks me on the lips. "I'll see you later." He gives me a quick hug before rushing to his class. Aaron is now gone. I walk into class and there he is: sitting smugly at his seat. I take mine and listen to the professor.

After class, I get up so I can quickly get out and meet up with JD. But Aaron's too fast for me to get away. "You didn't show up." He clearly hasn't been stood up before. "I wonder why!" I keep walking. "I thought I told you I had no problem using force on you." He grips my arm. I pull to free it but he keeps pulling back. I stomp on his foot to make him let go. He lets go and groans, looking down at his foot. "Well look who became brave!" He growls. "Stay away from me or I'll do worse." I leave the building as quickly as possible.

JD is about to walk inside when I rush out. He sees the red mark from his hand on my arm. "Did Aaron do that?" His eyes are wide. The one I had from the last incident faded after a few days. "Yes. But it's fine." I held onto his arm to keep him from trying to go find him. "Is this why you were wearing cardigans this week. Did he give you one then?" He asks. "Yeah. But I can handle it on my own. If you intervene, he's just going to keep thinking I'm too weak to handle things." JD helping will just further Aaron's misogynistic views. JD sighs, "I'll stay out of it. But please be careful. I don't trust that guy." I smile, "I'll be careful. I promise."

We get back to my dorm. Erika gasps when she sees me. "That bastard!" I'm confused until I realize she's staring at my arm. "I'm fine." I assure her. "Come on, Veronica! Let me hurt him. I get why you won't let JD but I'm a girl." She begs. "You're still not me. And I've got it handled. I threatened him and stomped on his foot." I tried not to seem too proud of myself. "You've become so fearless!" She hugs me. "Well some people need to grow up. He can go cry to his mother because I don't have time for his drama." I shrug. "As I said: fearless." She grins.

I'm reading a book when I hear something fly in through the window. We had left it open to let cool air in. It was a rock with a note attached. It read:

Meet me downstairs NOW

I roll my eyes and look down below the window. Aaron is watching me creepily. I roll my eyes and go downstairs. I approach him, arms crossed. "What?" I glare at him. He grabs my arm and drags me down the side walk. I try to get free but his grip is very firm. "Let go." I demand. He brings me to his car and pushes me into the passenger seat. He puts my seat belt on and closes the door. I try to get the door open but he's too quick for me. He jumps into the driver's seat and leans over me to lock my side. My attempt to beat him to it fails when he pulls me back by my shoulders.

He starts driving, looking at me every once in a while. "You know this is abduction, right?" He's committing a crime like it's nothing. Maybe he did this with every girl who didn't want to have sex with him. Though I'm assuming I'm the only one since he clearly hasn't received many rejections in his life. "Do I look like I care?" He scoffs. "Besides, the only people that will believe you is your nobody boyfriend and your nobody roommate." As much as it pains me to admit it, he's right. The best option for me is to get out now and forget this happened. As soon as he comes up on a stop sign, I'll just unlock the car and roll out onto the ground.

I wait for him to stop, then I make my move. I grab the car lock and pull it up. He doesn't realize what I'm doing until I've opened the door. He reaches for me and grabs hold of my shirt. I try to get him off but he gets me back into the car. He drives about a minute before we reach a back lot. He quickly parks and puts his hands around my neck. "Stop trying to escape. This would be quicker if you'd just let me take you somewhere to talk." I grip onto his arms to make him let go. "Okay. Just let go." He does so.

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