Close Were We (Part 1)

551 17 32

February 12, 1991


It's been over a week since Veronica walked out of the dorm for the last time. I've tried everything to make it up to her. Then two days ago, I ran into Erika who told me something interesting.

"Hey, JD." She smiled. "Hey. So..." I knew if I asked upfront, then I'd feel weird. "I didn't know how to tell you but... she's dating someone." She was clearly nervous about telling me. "What? Who?" I had to find this guy. "His name's Aaron. He's in her Creative Writing class." Aaron, huh? I sighed, "Do you like him?" If she didn't like him then that means he can't possibly be good enough for Veronica. "He's kind of a pretentious douche." She admitted. "Then why is she with him? She knew someone like that in high school and she hated that guy." Henry Baldwin may be different now, but he was the definition of "pretentious douche" at one point. "I mean he is pretty handsome but his personality barely makes up for that." She seemed to roll her eyes at the thought of him. "Well thanks for telling me." I gave her a half smile before going to my class.

Erika's POV

I sit on my bed, studying, when Veronica and Aaron come in. "Hey, E." Veronica greets me. "Hey, V." I wave, then look at Aaron, "Aaron..." He smirks, "Hello." I ignore them and continue what I'm doing. They sit on Veronica's bed and take out some work for their class. He starts touching her excessively but she doesn't even get that mad. "Stop." She laughs. He starts tickling her and her laugh gets louder and more consistent. She's hitting him trying to get him to stop. I get up, "I'm going to Kyle's." I announce. Veronica gets him to leave her alone for a second. "Okay. See you later."


I'm studying for the test in my Law class. Then there's loud knocking on the door. Kyle opens it. Erika comes in, clearly annoyed. "I can't take their PDA anymore." She groans. "What're they doing?" Kyle asks. "They're just all over each other." I sigh and look down. "JD, you have to get back with her. I can't take them another minute." She begs me. "I'm trying. I have plans for Valentines." I'm not sure what they are yet, but I'm going to do something. "No! Today!" Erika grabs me and drags me out the door. We get to hers and Veronica's room. "Erika. No." Veronica will kill both of us. Erika sighs before opening the door. She pushes me in and closes the door behind me.

Veronica and her "boyfriend" shoot up from making out to look at me. She gets up, furious. "What the hell are you doing here?" The "boyfriend" looks confused. "Who is this?" He asks. "Aaron, this is my ex boyfriend Jason. Jason, this is my boyfriend Aaron." She introduces us. "Now get out!" She demands. Erika comes in. "Guys, let's be civil." Veronica scoffs, "Erika did you bring him here?" Erika crosses her arms, "Yeah. Because what you two had was special... Actually: what you two have is special. You wouldn't date Aaron if you weren't so mad at JD. And you're mad at him for something he's apologized for." I never realized how much Erika really cared about me until now. It feels good.

"Aaron, Erika, can you leave us alone for a second?" She asks. Erika goes willingly but "Aaron" hesitates. "Go. It's fine." She assures him.

"JD I'm not getting back with you." She faces away from me. "Veronica, I'm sorry... can you please look at me?" She does as I say. "I love you more than anything. I had a bad day in class and when I saw you two, it made me mad. Please." I beg. "That doesn't excuse how you talked to me. Besides, I'm happy with Aaron." She won't look me in the eyes. "Really? I know all about him and the pretentious douchebag that he is. You're basically dating Harvard's version of Henry." I argue. "I'm happy, okay? Can't you be happy for me?" She seems about to cry. "You weren't happy with me?" I ask. "Yes, but I can't be happy with you, knowing that you don't trust me." A tear falls down her cheek. "I do trust you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Please. Quit that pretentious asshole and give me a second chance." She gives me such a sad look. "I have to go." She goes past me. I stand in the center of the room, trying not to cry.

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