Not A Disaster - 21

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Chapter 21
—— v —— v —— v —— v —— v —— v ——

"I don't think I want to do this anymore.."

He mumbled as he avoided eye contact with the large plane, clenching my hand with both of his as we waited for the two others to arrive shortly. He couldn't see my reassuring smile as his face was looking towards the asphalt. "Awh... it'll be okay. If you really don't, then we won't." Once lifted his head, squeezing my hand, I set a short, calming kiss to his lips.

I guess it was too long of a kiss for some other people because as my lips pressed on his for not more than two seconds, I heard a distant shout. "GET A ROOM!" Halo parted immediately from me, his face red as a cherry and a crooked grin as another voice close to the first spoke next, encouraging the other.

Halo stuck a tongue at the two approaching with smiles, and all I could think of at that moment was how disastrous this would be.


It had been 10 minutes after I'd waved over the assigned attendant to take care of us during the flight, and we'd all ordered something, well apart from me.

Halo got smoked salmon and sparkling cider, to which he convinced me to share with him. Simple, yet elegant. However, after only a few sips, he quickly got something alcoholic as the plane began taking off and he felt a slight turbulence. Though I was there to hold his hand during it, rubbing it with my thumb in an attempt to calm him subtly, his anxiety got the best of him.

His friend, Nick I've heard, had a steak medium rare with fries and an orange juice; a personal bottle of vodka on the side to mix with it for a self made cocktail. He really could've just asked for the drink mixed for him, but he insisted. All in all, it was an interesting drink choice for food meant to be eaten for dinner or lunch. I'd also noticed in the beginning as he looked at the menu, he focused on calories more than anything else. Only after assuring himself that they were moderately low for most things he liked, did he go all out in his requests.

Finally, George had gotten beef wellington with chives mashed potatoes and apple juice. What was with these two and breakfast drinks, I'd never know. Eventually, he started to steal Nick's vodka when he looked away. As Halo fed pieces of his food to me frequently, he telepathically told me not to say anything about it to Nick, fearing a fight would break out. I could understand him from the look he gave me when I opened my mouth to say something about it the first time.

As the plane got higher into the skies, the three of them hurried to the nearest window and looked at the view. Halo only looked for a few seconds before shielding his eyes again.

Since I was right next to said window, it felt a little cramped as they all collectively pressed against me, but I dealt with it for the short time it lasted, and looked out myself.

It was a clear day today, thankfully, so the view was something extraordinary. All the buildings were tiny from this high up, like little ants cemented to the earthy floor.

I just watched everyone, mainly Halo, closely to ensure they didn't get too drunk to the point of sickness or passing out. Unfortunately, It didn't take long for him and George to get completely wasted.

Halo, dizzy a bit, stood up from his, technically my seat, next to me and grabbed a silver spoon that hadn't been used yet. Clearing his throat to the point of coughing, he licked his lips and sang for the second time tonight.

I watched fondly as he sang to no one in particular, slurring his words and getting off track with little things around him while George played sounds from a soundboard app on his phone and jumped in when Halo got distracted. Thankfully they weren't fighting again like before. "Bring me to muffin toooown~! Where the-"

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