The Storm P.1 - 13

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Chapter 13
—— v —— v —— v —— v —— v —— v ——

The last thing I remember from yesterday, was the taste of blood in my mouth.

I had to physically bite down on my tongue in order to stop myself from begging him to let me go with him. To protect him. He could sense what I was thinking and gave me this look. It was the opposite of what I wanted to see.

Maybe it would've been better if I followed him anyways. Not knowing if he's okay has put me on edge, not a single reassuring call or message, not even a simple 'hi'. Just a 'hi' would calm me as I stared at my phone, waiting for it to buzz. The buzz never came, so I tried once again.

For a second, I felt relief when he responded. But, the feeling vanished just as quickly as it came when realization replaced it. He hadn't messaged me for a whole day and a half, which in our standards was a long time to go without even sending a small goodmorning or goodnight to the other. Not only that, but his reply didn't feel right. He used an emoji like he usually would, check, he replied, check... what was missing?

Then it hit me. He hadn't asked how I'd been in return. He gave a simple reply, quick, and didn't think to send what he normally would. Something was wrong.

🌎 Little Halo 🏳️

Today 7:18 PM

seriously r u okay?

I'm fine! :3

is sumthing wrong?

He typed, and typed, and typed for five minutes straight. Then, the bubble indicating he was still typing, disappeared and didn't reappear.

Fine. If he doesn't want to talk on text, we can talk face to face. For all I know, he could be in danger right now. Sitting here, waiting for him to answer, won't help.

Getting out the app I installed earlier, I tracked his phone to a certain house just walking distance from the park. The first time I did this wasn't for as important reasons, but now I think this is justified.

Having the location, I get up from my comfortable spot on the bed and put on my shoes, and pants, already wearing a black hoodie and short sleeved shirt underneath. Grabbing my keys, the idea to give him a heads up came into my mind by the time I got in my car, starting the engine.

I sent the message and just like that, he replied instantly. We went back and forth, until I eventually set my phone down, and got out of the driveway, ignoring how much my phone was buzzing to focus on getting there instead.

The messages had died down by the time I arrived outside 6 minutes later. I hopped out of the car, turning off the engine so I'd make less noise and the headlights went out with it which was a plus. Taking my phone, I go to his 14 missed messages and read them.

🌎 Little Halo 🏳️

is something wrong?
im coming.




that's not a reason.
im already in the car.

Oh my gosh.
You're lying.
You're not.

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