Beach Episode - 26

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Chapter 26
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The day was warm, the perfect temperature for the beach. It was scenic during the day.

A quick run to grab a few things including buckets for sand castles and appropriate attire, Halo snatching a cute white hat with a red ribbon; the color red adorning the green of his eyes, set us back an hour of daylight.

Five extra minutes of bickering later and were heading back towards the privacy of the beach, the smell of sea salted water floating through the air as we blasted cutesy-cliche romance songs. One of which was the song that we'd claimed as our own after Halo informed it had reminded him of me.

but calming somehow. The sound of it coming on the radio could always make me smile and instantly sing along; thinking of Halo even on the rare occasion of him not being there.

The moment the car was stopped, he jumped out and grabbed his hat, holding it in place on his head as he ran down the wooden walkway to the water. I laughed after him and focused on doing the manual labor of grabbing our buckets, towels, and his sunglasses he had left.

Why he got them beats me. I mean, they looked cool, so that's probably why now that I think about it. As I spread the towels on the ground and placed the pales nearby, I sat down to watch him have his fun.

The beautiful blue waves of the sea crashed against his legs, toppling him over and onto his rear. Once the waves rushed back towards the sea, revealing him once submerged, he stood to his feet. His hair and clothes were soaked but the extra weight didn't stop him from having fun. "Geppy! Come on!" He shouted from a short distance, cupping a handful of water in his hands and throwing it to the sky above his head. He giggled as the sparkling water rained back down onto him.

"Nah I'm good! You're having fun yourself!" He groaned, pulling off his black t-shirt and throwing the soaking fabric to my direction. It made it halfway to me, landing at my feet. The salty water of the ocean wasn't my favorite thing in the world. I hated beaches. However, I knew Halo loved them, so bringing him here for his birthday wasn't a bad idea, as I could clearly see.

Before I knew it, a bucket load of water was being tossed in my direction. Well, not a bucket as I had them all, but it felt like it with the crash of the waves from his own two hands.

He stared at what he had done. This look on my face made him place his hand over his mouth and stop himself from letting loose a laugh. I looked as if I'd slaughter him then.

Slowly, his eyes trailed from mine, to the hand now dangling wet and wavy over my face. He couldn't hold it in after that, bursting out in laughter. Though he tried to hide it behind his the fingers of his hand, I could visibly see the corners of his lips spreading further away from the smile.

"That's it." Before he could process my movement, I stood up and sprinted full speed at him, tackling him and pushing him back to the sandy floor. "AH!" He screamed, soon giggling as the tips of my hair ticked his forehead. I smiled, taking in the sound as he moved his hand through my salty hair, smoothing the clump back into a presentable form. With a hand pushing the raven stragglers behind my ear, I moved into a salty-sweet kiss.

The feeling of his smile molding into something that fit my lips so well was a feeling only comparable to heaven; nothing less than the blissful emotion of walking through golden gates that shined brighter than anything seen before.

Suddenly, Halo pulled away from the kiss, squealing as the warm water of the tide flowed slowly back to his head and down his neck. The small amount of water was a warning for what was to come, and that made itself known as I looked up and saw a huge wave quickly approaching. "Oh shit!" I laughed and rolled off to allow him movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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