A Little Too Fast - 22

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Chapter 22
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To see the beautiful sight of him first thing I opened my eyes everyday and night was a gift. What time was it? He stayed in my mind rent free as I searched for my phone in the darkness, trying my absolute best to not wake up my favorite person.

The blinding light of my screen causes my eyes to squint, and quickly swipe down to lower the brightness. 11 in the afternoon was the time I'd woken up; having an intended short nap turned into a much longer session.

My sleep schedule was ruined.

Well, it had been ruined for the last week and a half since being officially taken now. Sighing I closed my eyes to try and save myself from the pain. Not a minute later, I felt movement and the feeling of someone looking at me. Based on my amazing sensory skills, I concluded the look was coming from my bottom left.

Opening my eyes I shift them immediately to meet his gaze. I guess he wasn't as 'asleep' as I thought. His eyes widened and in a second they were closed, unnaturally forced with a tiny grin on his face.

I'd caught him. Sparing him the embarrassment, I didn't say anything about it. However, I didn't let him get away with spying. Sitting up on my knees, I dug my fingers into his sides before he could react to my position change. He squealed in shock, but soon after began laughing as I tickled him mercilessly.

His giggles filled my ears as he attempted to squirm away. Turns out he's super ticklish. Who would've guessed! "HA! WAIT NO! GEPPY N-NO!" He squeals in fear, realizing I wasn't going to stop any time soon.

He manages to get from my grasp, turning and tumbling to the floor with a thud. I quickly crawl over to the edge of the bed to check on him but just then, he gets up and goes running off out of the room. If it's a chase he wants, it's a chase he'll get.

I laugh, going after him, hearing his shreech as he turns his head to see me right on his heels. Seeing that terrifying sight, he goes full speed, straight to the couch. As he stood on one side of the couch, and I on the other, we stared at each other. Predator and prey.

"I'm not gonna tickle you, Halo. Come here." He was already out of breath, and he hunched over, raising a finger up. "I-I don't... oh my gosh... b-believe you." While his head was low, I was an opportunity and I turned, sprinting over to his side of the couch.

He looked up and got out of the way just in the nick of time before I could get to him, and turned tail yet again; running away screaming like I was a murderer with a knife.

Instead of going somewhere else around the house, his first thought was to run out. He stumbled to the front door, fiddling with the lock like he was in a horror movie as my footsteps approached, he finally swung the door open.

More screams later ensue, us running around cars and the street. The moon shines brightly, not a cloud in the sky and everyone seems to be asleep still despite our loud playful yelling.

Eventually he ran back inside and I went after him, my stamina just about to run out. Hitting a dead end, our room, he attempted to slam the door in my face and hide. Sadly for him, I got there just in time as the door was closing and pushed it from the opposite side.

It's a game of strength now which I was sure to win, and he knew it. As the door slowly opened wider and wider, he tried to reason with me. "G-Geppy. Let's talk about this! Plea-please w-wait!"

I ignore him, laughing and push the door open with all of my might. He screams at how much danger he's now in, and lets go of the door, running to find a place in the large room to hide. It's too late. "NOO!" He jumps on the bed and grabs at the pillows, throwing them at me one by one. I dodge and weave till he has none left and lunge at him with a sickeningly large smile on my face as he curls up, screaming in terror.

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