7 Days Of Hell - 15

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Chapter 15
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Keeping him held here for a week hasn't been the best for either of our mental states. Maybe it was my mistake; not allowing him exit through the front door— for fear he'd try to walk back to that asshole—, but it's too late to change the rules now. If he got lucky, he should be in the hospital getting help; the neighbors would've found him. If not, then... we'll, yeah.

On the upside, he hasn't made another move to practically seduce me. The downside of that: he doesn't get close to me anymore, keeping me at a distance from him at all times. When he cries—which is frequent—, he won't let me even comfort him. Speaking of that, here he is now, crying his eyes out for the second time today in the last thirty minutes. Finished with his tearful session, he wiped his puffy red eyes and mumbled a question I couldn't quite hear. I knew what he was asking of me, and stood from my spot across from him. "Chocolate or fudge this time?"

"Chocolate..." he mumbled and I nodded, walking to the kitchen and opening the freezer. Different types of chocolate Ice creams as far as the eye could see. Taking a plain one and a spoon from the drawer, I approached. I know he's going through... a heartbreak or whatever this is, but this is too much for me or even him should handle. Maybe I shouldn't be enabling him like this, eating just ice cream all day and night.

Handing him the pint sized container, I quickly backed away before he could say anything about my being too close. He took it in his hands, and kept his head down, opening it and stabbing his silver spoon inside, and I sat back on my spot, watching him carefully.

He took a couple bites, putting a decent sized dent into the ice cream, before he stopped, his face becoming pale.

"Are you-" He jolted up, placing the carton and spoon on the coffee table and sprinting to the bathroom. I'd never seen him run so fast. With a worried look on my face, I followed him once I heard the door slam shut and faint gagging sounds from behind said door not soon after. "Halo...?" I questioned, getting no answer, and I twisted the handle, opening the door.

He was on his knees, his hands gripping the toilet seat. When he heard the door open, he turned slightly to see, then immediately returned his head to its spot in the bowl. Spilling his guts in the toilet, the smell of tainted chocolate floated around us. Ignoring his previous behavior, I walked forward anyway and rubbed his back, soothing him. Thankfully, he was too wrapped up in his sickness to care. "You're making yourself really sick... you should eat something..."

He gave me a glare, his eyebrows furrowing sharply. "Th-Thanks captain o-obvi-" he turned back around and dry heaved, his body not having anything else to get rid of, but still feeling the need to.

Spitting, he wiped his mouth and got off his knees, and flushed the toilet. "I don't need you to help me. I can take care of myself." He snapped angrily, making me take a step back and sit on the floor against the wall behind him. Assuming he may not be finished yet, he sat down in front of the bowl to avoid my eyes.

"All you've done is eat ice cream, and push me away."  He spun around, his eyes filled with rage and mouth opened—ready to retort—, but I continued and he changed his mind, turning back around to the toilet. "I let you for so long because I thought it would help you cope. If I had known you'd only get worse, I wouldn't have... I'm sorry."

As I spoke, my voice got quieter. "I just want you to be happy. You don't have to love me or care about me. Fuck, you can hate my guts. Call me names and take everything out on me. In the end, it'll all be worth it because I'll see that smile again, hear your laugh. On those rare days I get you to crack a small smile at my dumb jokes, I'm complete. Because for those seconds, you're happy."

I heard a small sniff come from him and I sighed. The last thing I wanted when I said all that was for him to cry. I can't tell if him crying at this is a good or bad sign, and that's terrifying. He'd push me away if I tried to help, so here I sat on the bathroom floor, watching powerlessly as he cried into the palms of his hands.

My vision started to blur when something warm ran down my cheeks. As I wiped my own sudden tears, I heard Halo's whimpers come to a close slowly and the sound of fabric sliding across the floor. Opening my eyes, my vision is a bit better just in time for a warm body to wrap its arms around my neck and onto my lap.

"I wasn't crying because I didn't like what you said, Geppy." He whispered, and I held him back, accepting his comforting embrace. "I'm sorry I've been such an inconsiderate muffin head. Can you forgive me?"

I laughed at his muffin-talk far past being used to it, but having not heard him say more than 'Fudge, chocolate, or leave me alone', I missed it. "Yeah. I forgive you. I'm sorry for being an ass too and not respecting your wishes that night." He nodded, excusing my language and I continued. "But I don't regret what I did, and I'd do it again for you." He whispered a small 'thank you', one I had to get close to hear properly, and I smiled, resting my chin on the top of his head.

"you know..." he started, digging his head deeper into my side. "...even when I'm in pain from it... your touch is, always so... gentle and kind. You're warm..." Lifting his head, he connected his eyes with mine. His eyes had some color in them this time—not as dull as before—, and that beautiful smile on his face, though small, was a sight to see. He spoke his final words before a light blush coated my face, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as they occasionally did for him.

"... I love you... more than anything." He whispered. His words only genuine, passion and kindness held within the depths of his Jade-like eyes. I stayed silent, stunned as he chuckled weakly, leaning forward and planting a light, but loving kiss on my lips.

He leaned back and covered his mouth, his eyes wide and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I just barfed then kissed you... Sor-" I didn't let him finish before taking his hand away and bringing my lips back to his. He closed his eyes and I did as well, as we both melted into the kiss, pretending that he indeed did not just barf. Finally I drew my head back and smiled kindly to him.

"I don't mind." I said. He paused for a moment, then rolled his eyes with a red tinted face.

Standing up, he went to the sink to washed his quite dirty hands; as he had placed them on the floor. "Now... wanna get actual food?"

End of chapter
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ReVamp MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora