From One To Another - 1

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Happy Halloween :)

Chapter 1
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I listened to the soothing lyrics, in a daze, rocking my head side to side with the swaying waves.

Lifting my index and middle finger to my lips, I take a drag, letting the burning sensation fill my chest and intoxicate my lungs. I squint my chocolate eyes and blow smoke circles into the air. Just as I do, they evaporate into the atmosphere, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Just as the song was getting good, It's interrupted by an incoming call.

With a groan, I slam my free hand on the gritty sand of California, flicking up yellow particles, and take a look at my phone. Seeing it's just Emily#2, nobody important, I take another puff of my cigarette, and ignore the call. If living in one place for months had taught me anything, it was that the same people you see everyday grow irritating quicker than the same sights. It's because buildings can't speak, and people can. I guess to survive, you need to find new people consistently, or else you'll run the risk of getting bored.

One person I don't despise in California though, is my idiotic sister. I'm actually here to support her, not to enjoy the view myself. She can't seem to come to terms with the fact that large amounts of human food just aren't good for us. In the slim collection of things that can kill a vampire, large quantities of human food is number one on the short list.

Since our father is a dhampir, made from human and vampire breeding, we have a tiny portion of human blood in us, allowing my sister and I to consume extraordinarily small amounts of human food and get away with it. The food doesn't nourish us though, it's mainly eaten for taste by some quarter breeds, similar to how we treat alcohol or candy.

My mother, a pure breed on the other hand, can not at all. If she were to have even a chip, she'd become deathly sick, anymore than that and she'd die.

Because of my paranoia, I kept my distance from solid food and tried to convince my sister along with our parents that she should stop. However, one day when she came out to us about her dating a human, we put two and two together and realized quickly that the reason she ate so much of their food was because she was trying to fit in with them. Immediately, our mother and father turned sour towards the idea of their children being with humans, and tried to shut the relationship down.

My opinion was fifty-fifty. Although I cared about my sister's well-being, I also knew I couldn't stop her from loving who she did. With my help, we tricked our parents into believing she left them for a vampire.

I occasionally still spoke with her on the topic, explaining the risks she was taking but instead of listening to my advice, she told me something I didn't expect. 'When you find that someone who will complete you, you'll change, whether for better or for worse, just to fit with them perfectly.' I called bullshit on it, claiming I'd never change for someone else's sake, but deep down I'm not so sure.

"Zak! Hey~!"

Recognizing the annoying high-pitched voice, I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth. Not making eye contact, I mumble to the figure now sitting cross-legged beside me. "What do you want?"

Debby giggles at my tone and jumps on me, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Don't be such a meany, Zaky~"

I cringe at the nickname and physical contact, the stench of cheap lavender perfume fills the air and suffocates me. I begin debating whether to push her away or tell her off. I can't choose which option and settle for doing neither, putting the half smoked cigarette back to my lips.

I'm able to take one Inhale before it's snatched out of my fingers by Jessica. This earns a solid reaction from me and I whip my head around to face her. She smirks and takes a long hit before blowing the grey smoke in my face.

Unaffected, I yanked it back out of her hands and put it out, deciding I'd rather not put my mouth anywhere near something that touched her lips. I only know one place they've been out of many. I'm not risking getting a disease on my face of all places.

"AWH! What the hell?!" Amy gasps and crosses her arms, a toddler having her tantrum. I roll my eyes at her behavior and fire an explanation. "I don't want your diseases, Lisa."

She pauses for a second, furrowing her eyebrows. Her face goes blank and unreadable, but her bright blue eyes glow a tint of a darker blue, like the Atlantic, indicating she was getting upset. "Lisa? My name's Chole, Zak."

I give her a side-eye for semi-acknowledgement, surprised that her name is not any of the names that I had just thought, then reopen my pack and light a new cigarette. She scoffs in disbelief, shaking her head. "Are you cheating on me again? That's like the 8th time! First that whore... what's her name? Ruth Gracia? That bitch. Then, my cousin Josh, now a Lisa?!"

I raise my finger to the sky, holding her off from talking. "First off, Ruth Gracia is a fucking whore, you're right." She nods, raising her hands up in a shrug-like motion.

"Second, we talked about this last week. We aren't and never will date, therefore, I'm not cheating on you. And even if I was, which I'm not, I couldn't care less. Lastly, Josh is hot! You can't blame me for that time!" I groan, and pinch the bridge of my nose, knowing my ears are about to be talked off. I already saw the steam coming out of her ears. "You mean times?! Cause' it was multiple times before I found out! Not to mention, we are dating! Y-You just don't want to admit it!"

I'm not about to argue right now, especially with someone who was losing their composure, and fast. This interaction cements what I was tempted to do long ago. Sorry sis but I can't do this anymore.

I stand up, pausing the new song that had been playing softly through my headphones, and start to walk away from the situation. She shouts after me, trying to get me to come back but I keep walking, ignoring her. I'm so fed up with this.


Arriving at my oceanside estate, I go straight to my room to pack my things. I need to get as far away as I can from this place. It's too claustrophobic to be around the same people so often and I feel it's been slowly eating away at me. For now, I need to see new sights —especially new people—, and once I'm finished, i'll come back and think about what I want to do next.

After packing my bags rushfully, I open up a map onto google from my computer and close my eyes, moving my index finger around blindly until I randomly stop. I opened them to see the place my subconscious had picked by luck and shrugged.

Florida, huh? I hadn't been there in a while, so it was a good pick, I guess.

Booking the flight for later in the day since it was only 1:30pm, I jumped back on my bed for a cat-nap, the blankets engulfing me in their warmth. Well, what I perceived to be warm. They weren't doing much to combate my naturally cold-ridden body. I sighed for a few seconds before rolling on my side, facing the blank white wall.

Going back to my playlist, I let songs play softly in my ears as I drift off to sleep. The beginning drum and tambourine solo of one song is the first thing I hear and near the end, quiet words fill my head as I shut my eyes.

End of chapter
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