The Storm P.2 - 14

395 21 14

¡ Lemon Warning !
(Light lime)

Chapter 14
—— v —— v —— v —— v —— v —— v ——

"I'm getting bandages and ice cream. Any special requests?" I ask, taking off my seat belt and opening the car door. He looked at me for a brief second, contemplating whether or not he should speak, but the message was received.

"Wait, Geppy...!" His frantic voice made me turn, and I watched him fiddle with his fingers shyly, looking at the cars flooring. "Y-you know wh-which one... right?" I nodded to him and smiled kindly. Being verbal might only embarrass him more. He breathes a sigh of relief, not having to directly ask, and slumps back in the seat as I make my way inside the store.

I walked through the long booze aisle, and discovered what I'd been searching for. Should I get a pack, or just one? Whatever. Grabbing the matte black handle clung to the fridge, I pulled it open and grabbed the desired six pack, taking it in hand and walking now to the ice cream aisle. I remember he said something about how he preferred chocolate over anything else, so that's what I grabbed and started towards the counter to cash out. On my way there, thankfully, was some neosporin cream and bandage rolls on display, and I snatched them up.

Setting my items down, I hand the cleric my ID before he asks. "Bar fight?" He wonders, and I look up from my shoes. I give him a confused look and he points at my knuckles, to which I examine. I hadn't noticed till now that they were bruised as well, drying blood still on them. I kept my composure, deciding it wasn't best to boast at the moment or tell the whole truth. He kept scanning my items, pulling up the total and I shrugged, slipping in my card to the machine. "Not at a bar." I stated and ignored his questions that followed soon after. Imagine being this bored at work.

I grabbed my things, declining the offer of my receipt, and walking back to my car. Halo laid against the seat in the same position I had left him in, only this time, he was asleep. Not wanting to be a total creep and watch him snore, I placed the bags in the backseat and revd up the engine.

At the sound of movement, cars now around us driving down the street, he awoke from his slumber. The city glowed purple and blue, reflecting off his pale face. The midnight darkness of the sky revealed white dots that weren't there when painted blue. He mumbled something, half awake and half asleep. I asked about it and he didn't respond, keeping his thoughts to himself and himself alone.

Eventually we made it to our destination, and I got out, Halo trailing soon after me — rubbing his eyes.


Taking the hand of his with the injury, I carefully and slowly untied the pink hoodie sleeve I'd put on the cut to stop bleeding. He winced in pain, and took another big gulp of his drink and placed it down on the nightstand. Picking his ice pack back up from the bed he left it on, he put it against his eye and watched my movements. I got the tube of neosporin, and let the thick liquid fall onto his cut. He tried to take his hand away in pain, but I kept it in place, humming a tune to sooth him. Gradually, he relaxed and I took out the roll, unwrapping and swathing it around his hand. Finished, I let his hand fall back to the blankets and I got up to get him his ice cream I left in the freezer on our way in.

By the time I came back with a spoon in hand, he was up, his second bottle halfway finished in his hand and ice left on the floor. I hadn't been gone for more than a minute before he went off the deep end. I watched him pace back and forth from the door, stopping, turning on his heels to stomp to the opposite wall, then back all over again as I sat on the bed. I set his ice cream on the nightstand and waited. He talked about things I understood and things I didn't, taking a swig often of his cider.

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