Calm Before - 12

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Chapter 12
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Opening my eyes, a yawn escapes my lips and I stretch my arms about my head. My senses kick in and a smell fills my nose making my mouth water. It smelt like a bakery in the room; chocolate smells mixed with the sweet fragrance of melted butter and a dash of brown sugar. Quiet humming filled the room too, sounding of angels calling someone to the heavens.

Looking to my left, I noticed the once sleeping body next to me has moved to somewhere of difference. My sudden movement had caught the attention of the very man I was looking for. "You're up just in time! Are you hungry? You had literally nothing in here." He said from the kitchen, and I looked up. He smiled at me, holding a bowl in his hand and a whisk in the other, cleaning a mixture I couldn't see, out from them both in the sink.

What I could see however, was the freshly baked muffins on the granite countertop, and an opened egg cartoon he started to put in the once empty fridge. "How'd you get all of that?"

"Drove to the store." He replied, his head sticking into the refrigerator. I pressed my interrogation further, willing him to tell me the rest of the story. "How'd you drive to the store?" Finally, he cracked and closed the matte white door with that 'innocent' smile he liked to pull when he did or said something sly. "Borrowed your keys."

I gave him a blank stare and he shushed me before I could speak on his slick thievery, placing a finger on his lips. "It's not stealing if you bring it back. I've only stolen one thing before, and that was a price tag from Best Buy like... years ago."

"Uh, huh." I replied plainly and he shrugged with a smug expression. "Just how the muffin crumbs." He said his phrase again, looking over to me he spoke again. His tone of voice changed from one you would use with your friends to one a parent would use on their child. "Last night, you said you'd tell me something?"

A sigh slipped through my lips and I patted the cushion next to me, urging him to sit. He might want to sit down for everything I'll have to explain right now. He sat closely with me and I took a deep breath of air. "I'm... not what you think I am."

His face didn't have the type of change I'd expected. Instead of worry, it stayed the same, blank. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind by looking in his eyes as they told no secrets, and it put me on edge. "What does that mean?" He eventually spoke up moments later, his tone of voice not tattling on him either. "Well...-"

I started, but was stopped by his own words. "You're a vampire, or something, right?" I stared at him, my jaw dropped as he stared back. Stuttering I collected myself, getting over the shock and spoke up. "Y-yeah... how'd you know?"

"I didn't. It was an educated guess. It's the only thing I can think of to explain why you do that... thing you do. It was saying that, or that it was a kink. A really... really interesting kink."

"It's... it's not a kink. You were right the first time." I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "You're being abnormally calm right now. Don't you have questions?"

"Oh yeah. Yeah, I have loads of questions, like, can you turn into a bat?" I let out a heavy sigh, followed by an eye roll. That's the first thing he asks? Shaking my head I reply to his obscure question. "No, we can't do anything like that. That's only in movies and cartoons." He groaned and crossed his arms, pouting. I smashed my palm onto my forehead, waiting for him to quickly get over his disappointment. What was he so upset for?

"I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately and I don't know why. Is it possible... to turn into one?" Oh. Not only is that idea hilarious, it's also very concerning. Hopefully he's joking, but Incase he's serious, I might need to figure out his symptoms. "Like... do you feel weak?"

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