What You Do For Love - 19

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Chapter 19
—— v —— v —— v —— v —— v —— v ——

At the crack of dawn, my exhausted eyes open and the first thing they gazed upon was the ceiling fan. Shaking violently, it desperately tried its best to cool the two humid body's below it down. The cold blood running through me had warmed from the constant vigilance of his body heat.

If this were a cheesy teen Netflix show, I'd be waking up to the sounds of a rooster, but instead it's just my morning wood.

The excruciatingly bright yellow and orange sun rays hit the side of my face from a crack in the window blinds and I attempted to escape the beams of light by raising a hand to my face, only to discover my thin fingers weren't enough to save me. A groan slips from my lips and I feel a warm body stir next to me.

Looking down, I'm faced with the top of Halo's head. The top half of his body has moved onto my bare chest progressively during the night and his entire left arm is stretched over me, bending at the elbow towards the pillow.

I can't see his face, but I know his lips must be slightly parted based on the small snores coming out of them.

Running a hand through his messy tangled hair — going in every direction imaginable —, soft and quiet snores come to a close. My face beams with contentment, in awe at every little thing he does.

After a few minutes of admiring the man on me and stressing about what the future holds, I shuffle lightly to not wake the sleeping beauty, —getting from underneath his hold— and stand up. He unconsciously furrows his eyebrows a little, whining from the suddenly missing grip, and anxiously grabs at where I used to be, searching for me to no avail.

Satisfied, his subconscious stops looking and a noticeable but miniature smile forms on his lips when I take the pillow I'd been laying on, and place it closer to his once frantic hand. He rolls on his back and pulls what his brain thinks to be me, closer to his chest, stuffing his face inside it. Great, now I'm wishing I hadn't moved.

A tender kiss is placed on his cheek and I pull the blankets further up to cover him better as it had slipped to his waist line in my master escape.

I put on the first pair of sweatpants I see in my dresser and go outside with the same pack of cigarettes from the porch that I can't manage to finish.

It's crazy, really. I haven't smoked or even thought of smoking for the past week and a half. A record for me. I'd been so caught up in tending to Halo: comforting Halo, loving Halo, that I'd forgotten all about my habits in the first place. Well, smoking habits, not possessive friend to boyfriend habits. Those I should probably fix.

It was a beautiful day outside. I relaxed as I let puffs of grey fog slip through the crack in my parted lips, repeating the action over and over again until I felt two warm arms wrap around my torso.

He stops hugging me from behind, and shuffles to the side of me, my arm wrapping around his waist as he presses closer, fusing us into one. "Good morning..." He croaked, his throat unsurprisingly raw. Just having woken up was probably mixed into the reason as well.

"Everything hurts." I laughed at his expense as his hand tried to ease the soreness prominent in his lower region. He giggled a bit in sync with me, rolling his eyes. "You're a muffinhead."

I took a seat on the cushioned swing. Halo prefered to stand, worried he'd quote, 'Die', if he accepted. The swing set was made for lounging and possibly watching birds soar through the sky's, or maybe when stars fall to another sky at lightning speeds, allowing one to make an unrequited wish be whispered into the night.

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