Also Known As - 4

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Chapter 4
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Stepping onto the dance floor, I go straight to him with no time to waste. It looked like he was having the time of his life, dancing like no one was in the room. He let all his worries and past mistakes be flushed away by the sound of music in his eardrums and alcohol in his body.

He drunkenly spins around still dancing and gives me a painfully drunken wide-toothed smile, proving my suspicions were correct. He almost falls and grabs on my shoulders for support, giggling like a little kid. Yep. He's definitely human.

Since we were so close to each other, we had no reason for shouting to hear each other's words. Nevertheless, I still spoke at a higher tone just to be sure. "Hi again." I chuckle and start the conversation as he regains his balance, looking at me with a hungry glint at his gorgeous green eyes and a smirk on his face. "Hi~. I was wondering where you were!" He whisper shouted, fixing his glasses from skidding off the bridge of his nose. I found myself surprisingly flustered and struggling under his gaze from so close up and cleared my throat, dancing to the rhythm playing.

"What's your name?" He sways with me and furrows his eyebrows looking up to the blinding lights as if he's thinking hard about his answer.

I find his genuinely puzzled face adorable and smile to myself. "Mmm... I don't know..." he trails off and finishes with "... What's your name?"

I give him an amused expression and lift one eyebrow. "It doesn't matter." I reply instantly and he giggles again, this time not caused by the drinks he's been ingesting, but from true amusement. I blush a deep maroon red at his real laugh. Butterflies flying in my stomach, I tighten my grip on his waist, attempting to hold on to his pure and true glee. "So...! What should we call each other then?" He quizzes me, letting a hand slip up to my cheek, rubbing the side with his thumb and trailing it to my jawline.

The sensation makes me inhale sharply, eyes widened slightly and he grins at his effect his drunken state has. I look up to avoid his eyes and notice the yellow glow stick still hung in his hair, almost like a halo. "How about I call you... Halo?"

He laughed loudly being heard over the blasting bass in the music and pushed his face in the crook of my neck, smiling wildly. "Halo? Why Halo?" He looks dumbfoundedly amused and I roll my eyes embarrassed. "I don't know! I thought it was good. What are you gonna call me?"

He gives the same puzzled look he had earlier, but this time, puts a dainty finger to his cream chin and taps it. "How about..." he starts, dragging out the 'o'. "Skeptical! Cause' you're so skeptical of me!"

It's my turn to laugh obnoxiously and it takes me a minute to get myself together as I hear small chuckles coming from Halo. "I'm not skeptical of you though!" He waves his hand off to me, rolling his eyes. "You won't tell me your name! I can't tell you mine because I don't remember it!" He laughs nervously, seeming to realize how forgetting your name suddenly is not a normal or okay thing.

I watch as he tries to put the pieces together but gives up quickly and fades back into his intoxicated state. "That's way too long! How about just skep?"

"Hm okay... wait no..." he hums again, "Geppy!" He clasps his hands together with excitement.

"Perfect." I let it go, thinking it was cute how he said the 'SK' sound as a 'G' and decided it's the best time to tell him about my suspicions. I take him by the hand, pulling us to a secluded and more quiet area of the club. He follows me gladly and cutely gives a sloppy twirl when we stop in a corner.

I take him by both hands to make him focus on me and he does, giving me a confused look when he sees my face is serious. "Can you tell me what you took tonight? Did you do any drugs?"

He gasps and shakes his head wildly at me "I don't do drugs!". I trust his answer, and continue with my next question, not paying any mind to the mumbling he's doing on drugs and how they are bad for you.

"Okay good. Then it's just the drinks. How many have you had tonight?" He tilts his head like a confused puppy and nibbles on the inside of his cheek. "I-I... I don't know... 14?" He shrugs it off and I cough up a storm in worry. "14?!" I practically yell and he finches, raising his hands up in defense. "O-oh my goodness! Maybe it was only 4?! They j-just kept coming by those dudes!"

He points to the farthest part of the room, all three of the men are together now — looking on the dance floor anxiously—, presumably looking for a certain someone. "I don't know, okay?!" I hear him whimpering and I look back to him. He's crying silently, mumbling self comforting phrases.

"You can't just accept everything given to you." His soft cries turn to a sob and I regret telling him the obvious. I swiftly pull off my coat and wrap it around him, the sleeves hanging loosely from the side. He looks up at me, and I watch as he notices, his tear stained cheeks, turning pink underneath. He takes his hands away from his eyes and slides his arms through the holes. A bit big, but still perfect.

"Do you have an idea of where your friends are?" I ask, searching behind him. He puts the sleeves to his face, wiping away the tears from under his glasses. "Uh... somewhere inside, obviously." I roll my eyes at his snarky comment and his challengefull look turns back to something more serious. "No I don't... but it's ok."

I raise an eyebrow to him, and a soft smile graces his face, only confusing me more. Jumping up slightly, his arms are around my neck — on his tippy toes to reach—, and he sniffles once more. "I have you now." I feel his kind smile forming on my shoulder as I hold the bottom of his back, taking in the smell from his chestnut hair. That's what it is. Vanilla.

He's incredibly naïve and trusting. If that innocence about him wasn't his downfall in the past, it would be in the future. However, I couldn't say no. With the warm feeling coarsening through my veins—despite the freezing temperatures of my body—, I felt complete.

I'm glad I got him out when I did, because for the first time in so long, I feel something for the person I'm close to that's not disgust, hatred or annoyance. I feel happiness, the overwhelming urge to protect.

Suddenly he moves back, falling back to the balls of his feet, and taking my hands from his waist. He inspects them, a concerned look on his frowning face. "You're cold."

I smile knowingly, raising an eyebrow to him. "You're warm."

The words process through his mind, a little slower than it would've been he was sober, and a flushed 'oh my goodness' escapes his lips. "Well I know that. You should've told me you were cold." A light blush coats my face as he raises my hands to his ajar lips, my eyes widening. Attempting to warm, he blows his heated breath onto them, and rubs the sides with his own hands, creating friction.

I don't dare to stop him, of course.

"It's not working." He grumbles and looks back up to meet my flustered gaze. He's not able to warm my hands with his breath alone, but his efforts definitely succeeded in warming my face.

With a pout, not noticing my vibrantly red cheeks, he loosened his grip and we stared at each other. I smile from the warm red visible despite the darkness on his face, and go back for one of his hands, leading him out the door. He speedily runs with me, leading us out the door and on the sidewalk.

Passing the red carpet and the long line of people still waiting to get in the club, he finally asks "W-Where are we going, Geppy? What about my friends?"

Without halting our steps, I turn and reply to him with a musical tone.

"Forget them! Let's have an adventure~!"

End of chapter
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