Once - 10

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¡ Lime Warning !

Chapter 10
—— v —— v —— v —— v —— v —— v ——

We got a few looks as we made our way to the doors. Even as we were now far out of Mr. Jaxson's sights, I kept my hand firmly on the right side on his waist while we walked in silence. He had realized very quickly that I hadn't let go yet and he sheepishly nibbled down on his sore lip as his eyes scanned the area, seeing people giving him looks of envy and surprise.

I already knew he wasn't one for attention, and I wouldn't have purposely placed all these eyes on him if It wasn't for good reason.

My idea was that if people saw him with me like this, they'd think twice about approaching him with intentions not aligning to me, in other words, someone trying to be a bit more than his friend. Interesting enough, he didn't move my hand the entire way through like I thought he might've. Not to mention, he also never corrected my language which was a plus.

Passing the front counter, I turned to the older attendant still present there and gave her a wink when she noticed us. She smiled with a proud nod and thumbs up, making me chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up chuckles. What's so funny?" I heard Halo interrogate and I turned my attention down to him. Chuckles? Is he okay? Shrugging, I replied. "The lady over there."

He raised an eyebrow curiously and removed his gaze on me to look around for who I may be talking about. "Who?"

"Oo... Are you jealous?" I poked fun at his curious behavior and he whipped his now flushed face back to me, frowning. "What?! No. I'm not... jealous. Why would I be jealous? You're jealous."

His defensiveness contradicted his words and I shook my head in amusement, rolling my eyes with a smile. "Relax. I'm talking about the receptionist over there." I say as we passed by the one mentioned. "You know her, correct?" He traces my eyes and gives a sigh of relief, humming and turning back. "Ms. Carter. She's nice."

We make our way to my car; opening the door for him like before, he hops in and looks around, still contemplating the unanswered question he'd asked the night of our meeting.

"Where are we going? I have homework, remember?" He quizzed as I passed the park I was supposed to drop him off at. He gave me a perplexed look I could see from my peripheral. I think he was debating whether I was kidnapping him or not; if he should duck, tuck, and roll out of the car at the next red light.

Not taking my eyes off the road, I answered his query. "I know, so we're going to my place for now." He did a double take and I laughed at his blush shown from the rear view. "A friendly hang out for friends, with friends." I stifled a laugh as he hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, yeah. Sure."


Slowly, we pulled into the drive away and he shifted in his seat, something putting him off edge, however he brushed the misplaced feeling away and went inside the house.

He headed straight for the couch, plopping himself down on the soft white cushions and sliding his satchel off of his shoulder to the coffee table. Walking over, I sat next to him, but still kept my distance. He paid me no mind, taking his laptop out and pressing the power button. "I think I only have a project to finish and a few notes to write. Is that okay?" I bobbed my head, understanding his terms before getting an antsy. Sitting up from my spot and leaving him unattended, I made my way to the front door, grabbing the pack I'd left atop the drawer in my room.

"Where are you off too now? Kidnapping someone else?" I hear from the couch in the distance behind me and I snicker, rolling my eyes and spinning on my heels as I walk backwards. Raising my occupied hand, shaking the pack, he gives a drawn out 'oh' and I twirl back around, placing my free hand in my pocket searching for my lighter. "Hurry up! I don't have all day to be waiting around, Geppy!" He shouts and I close the door on him, groaning to myself. He's going to be a handful.

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