Quick Lesson - 16

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¡Lime Warning!

Chapter 16
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"I'm sorry..."

"For?" I say, taking the small piece of carrot he offered from his fork. He sat in my lap, wrapped in a blanket and eating his takeout which he occasionally gave me to try. Trying new foods has been fun.

He took his fork away from my lips and looked down, pity in his eyes. I quickly got what he was implying and reassured him. "Oh. No, it's okay. We can go for like, years without any." His look of shame and pity flared to an angry state. "What. So all those times you sucked me dry, you didn't have to?!"

A toothy smile spread across my face as I giggled. He punched me in the arm, only making me laugh more. "This isn't funny, Geppy!" He growled, but the smile on his face told a different story. "C-Compared to what I could, I barely take any."

His expression quickly switched when he heard my words and he crossed his arms childishly. "What? Why hold back? You think I can't handle it?"

I pretend to think for a bit, tapping my finger on my chin, only to give him a blank stare. "No."

He glared at me, finishing off the food on his fork and stabbing it back into the rectangular container. "I'm pretty hardcore." Was this him hinting that he wanted me to do it? I shook my head, trying to explain to him that this wasn't a good idea, but he didn't want to listen.

Thankfully though, his ringtone started to make a racket in his pocket, the buzzing stopping the small argument in its tracks. He grabbed it from his pocket and raised an eye at the caller ID: a random combination of numbers. "Uh... okay." He said, going to click ignore, but I stopped him. "Maybe it's important?" I suggested, not thinking much of it. At most it was an agency calling to sell him something or other, so he nodded, and answered.

Once he was done, I instantly regretted telling him to take it. His face was the same, but with a concerned and anxious touch igniting like a match in his eyes. "Hey... could you take me somewhere, please?" He asked, picking up his fork again from his takeout box and putting noodles to his lips. "Sure. Where?"

Stopping his chewing, he looked at me with a stare I could only classify as suspicious. Instantly, I knew why. Why did he always call or get referenced while we sat on the couch?

I gave him a chance, and asked again. Maybe I was wrong. His hesitation gave him no flavors. "... The... h-hospital..." He finally answered with his mouth full.

Hell to the NO.

Well, here we go again. Somebody didn't learn their lesson. Either it's Halo, or his ex, and once I find out who, they're getting punished one way or another. Attempting to give him a second chance to change things, I asked him why. "I just uh...need to sign some papers... that's it." but he didn't take the offer

I already knew the reason. Sighing with slight disappointment I shook my head. With a frown, he crossed his arms and turned his entire body to face me, setting his food down on the table. He looked annoyed, curious even as he questioned my response. I didn't want to talk about him. Talking about him only made me upset, and I could feel that happening now. Despite this anger slowly building up, I had to give him an answer. If I didn't, he'd likely find another way to get there anyway and that wouldn't be good.

"Cause' I said so." Perfect.

That was a good enough reason, right? Parents use that excuse and it works, so using it here would totally- "That's not a reason, Geppy."

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