All Your Fears - 11

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Chapter 11
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His opened eyes grew fearful as we got our entrance bands and walked passed the gate. "Horror? Really, Geppy?"

My eyes roll with a smile and a small head shake in amusement. He was wearing one my hoodies like agreed upon, and I must say, he rocked the color pink, that, or he just looked good wearing my clothes in general. "Scaredy cat~." I chuckled and he huffs, his arms crossed over themselves.

"I-I'm not scared! You'll see." His annoyance dissipates immediately when the glass counter filled with different treats comes to view. His eyes sparkled enthusiastically, as he skipped straight to the snack bar in excitement, food being the only motivating factor. Our goods were purchased without hassle, shockingly, and we made our way through the long corridors where rows and rows of doors stood.

Looking at our ticket as I had forgotten the exact number we were searching for, I heard a soft voice next to me speak. "How come you only got a soda, the smallest size at that?" He questioned innocently, a popcorn tub in one arm as he slurped on the large cherry slurpee with the other, and a pack of peanut M&M's hung from the hoodie of mine he wore. "I'll tell you later." He was sure to forget the promise, but if he didn't, I saw no harm in just telling him the next time he brought it up.

He nodded, accepting the response with some reluctance and we moved forward. We entered the large red doors, blinking lights around it's frame and a large green sign above stating the time of which movie was to be featured inside.

We sat at the top row, thankfully the movie hadn't started, and trailers for upcoming movies were still playing loudly through the large speakers.


The movie was fine, about as scary as I thought it could be with the overused concept. However, Halo was petrified. Every cheap jumpscare that I could time would happen, he gasped and jumped at along with the rest of the crowd. Amusing, really. Everyone was on edge from the movie while the only thing keeping me on the edge of my seat was the fact I was holding back a sneeze. Would the sneeze be released and blast louder than the sound of screams? Or would I be able to hold the beast back?

Speak of the devil, here it comes.

Inhaling, I expect the sneeze to be loud and glorious, however it comes out little and quiet. Sniffing disappointedly, Halo gives me a look, his voice softening. "Bless you." I reply with a tiny 'thank you', matching the softness he used and he continues, saying his inner thoughts out loud. I wish he kept them in. "That was a very delicate sneeze. It was like... achoo~..."

"I'm leaving." My voice turns monotone, my eyes narrowing and I pick up my pace. He continues to try to impersonate the sneeze, shouting after me in a giggle.

I guess something spooked him because he squealed like a mouse and ran up to me, keeping himself close again. I slowed myself back to a normal walking speed so he could keep up. "How are you not scared right now? That movie was terrifying! Were you even watching?" Halo grumbled, holding his hands close to his chest in fear.

No. I was more threatened by the loudness of my potential sneeze than the movie.

He gave me a playfully pissed look when he heard a snicker escape my lips. Raising my hands up defensively, I softly chuckled. "I've just grown out of scary things." Halo groans and crosses his arms. "You don't just 'grow out' of that kinda stuff. Just you wait. I'm gonna scare the muffins out of you."

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