First Bite - 6

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¡ Lime Warning !

Chapter 6
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At first his voice is unconfident and shaky, staring at the phone, but once he gets the hang of it, he closes his eyes and sings without reading the lyrics directly off the phone.

His voice starts to slur — possibly caused by the alcohol still prevalent in his system — and draws out some words in the song. However, he keeps the same tempo and is on time with every word that comes after the other. These unintentional additions in his version sound almost better than the original somehow and it's clear he's getting into it, swaying his hips to the beat like he had in the bar.

I'm entranced in his movements and extraordinary vocals more than the words of the song he's been singing. It's crazy how diverse his range is; going from high to low in a smooth transition each time. Sadly, the song ends as he finishes the last verse.

He pauses, and slowly opens his eyes to stare at his shoes. Looking incredibly embarrassed, he takes the headphones out and shakily lifts his hand to me with my phone in it. His legs are shaking slightly and he looks like he might faint from embarrassment.

I blink a few times to get out of my shocked daze and push off the wall with my foot to walk up to him. Taking my phone and headphones back, I place them uncaringly in my pocket, most likely tangling them.

I pull him into a comforting hug and he melts in my hold, shaking less than before. "Whoa. That was amazing..." I whisper, genuinely impressed, and he sighs into the crook of my neck, the warmth of his breath against my cold skin makes a shiver go down my spine.

"You're so adorable when you're nervous like that." I tell him and squeeze him tighter in my hold, giggling to myself. He shakes his head. "No..." I could tell he believed it even more when he said it for the second time. I frown, tempted to ask what's on his mind. Why he kept declining compliments.

I laugh at his obliviousness and raise my hand to his hair, running my fingers through to feel every fine silky strand of spice brown. He purrs a bit and lifts his head from my neck, almost whispering his next words. "You're still cold." He says, keeping his arms wrapped around me.

Suddenly, I feel warm glossey lips on mine. I closed my eyes, sinking into the feeling I'd never known I had daydreamed of, but the moment didn't last long. Taking his lips off mine, he smirked.

"I hope that worked this time."

It did work. In shock at how smooth that was, I squinted my eyes at him. There's no way he would just casually kiss me with a slick line like that without motivation. He probably wants to see how I'll react. "Are you testing me?"

He held back a smile, and shrugged innocently. "How about you find out." I'm not one to back down from a challenge and run, so why not go into the lion's den? Pushing us back together before he can come up with another sly comment, I kiss him.

I planned the kiss to last the same amount as the first, seconds long, but the concept of time faded when he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, wanting it to last longer. I agreed to his intentions, and in turn Inched my way over till I reached the bottom of his back, arching it.

Quickly, I felt the remaining humanity I had, which wasn't much to begin with, start to slip through my fingers like his strands of hair. The urge to stab my fangs through his neck and taste blood was overwhelming, but I didn't want to freak him out. I had to hold myself back, at least for now.

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