Chapter Five - Why He Understands.

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Sunday went by quite quickly considering how I slept a vast majority of the day and woke up in the evening. I didn't see or hear from Rory at all during that day, not since that morning at least.

Now I sit in the lunch room on a Monday afternoon at school looking around for any sign of him. I am thinking I'm worrying over nothing because he could just be sick but you never really know with Rory. The rest of the school day finishes off slowly with a few conversations with Joan but with no sign of Rory.

The bus drops me off and I walk home and work on my homework then read a novel for language arts class. I finish around six in the evening and decide to head on over to Rory's and check up on him. I walk outside still in my hoodie and shoes and don't leave a note for my mother but hopefully she won't care. I walk over to Rory's and knock on the door.

The door opens and Rory is standing there in the opposite side "Hey, where were you today?" I ask, earning a a twisted frown from him. "I was at the councilor's office... I was having a pretty bad day but I'm alright now. Just don't tell my grandparents because I don't want them to get worried over nothing... You wanna come in?" He asks. "Sure but I can't stay long. I won't tell them so don't worry." He smiles and opens the door for me to enter.

Once I'm inside I look around and notice a picture of a woman whose slim and pale with blonde hair and brown eyes. This woman looks exactly like Rory. "Hey, who is that in the picture?" I ask. "Oh her, that's my mother. Pretty isn't she?" He comments, without looking at me "Yeah you guys look alike minus the hair." They really did with their facial features, pale skin and of course with their big brown eyes. They were both beautiful. "Yeah, I get that a lot. The hair color is from my father but he dyed it brown so you can't really tell." He remarks, gesturing to the man standing next to her in the picture.

He is tall and broad shouldered with buzzed hair grown out, with green eyes. They look nothing alike, him and Rory. "My mother's name is Katherine and my father's name is Lucas but everyone would call him Luke for short. And there is me." He points to a short young boy with big brown eyes and short cut black hair. "So what's their story? Like with how they met and stuff?" I ask carefully, my curiosity getting the better of me. He just chuckles and answers me after a moment of thought. "Well my mother was clothing designer and she worked with a friend of hers in a small shop in New York. My father came in to get fitted for a suit and she did the fitting and well... He kept coming back." He says laughing, "Eventually, he got up the nerve to ask her out and so they went out and three years later they are married and a year later she's pregnant with me."

"Now I bet you're wondering what went wrong and I'll tell you that... My father was a social drinker and not an alcoholic, at least until his parents died in a house fire before I was born... He grew depressed after that and he grew violent with us..." He says, his voice wobbling. "He began to verbally abuse my mother and say putrid things and later on he put hands on us... My mother got it the worst... He sexually assaulted her." He says, chewing on his lower lip. "But that wasn't his only problem. He experienced the physical abuse from his mother so it carried on you know." He mumbles, looking down at his shoes.

"My mother got depressed from his cruelty and took up drugs and light alcohol then she grew reckless with him. The neighbors in our apartment complex heard me screaming at him in a fit of rage and called the cops... Now four months later, my parents no longer have custody rights to me whatsoever and he is in jail while she is in rehab for God knows how long and I am living here now." He finishes, rolling down his sleeve and wiping his eyes.

I'm really sorry Rory." I whisper, making him look up. "It's alright. At least I'm out of that situation." He says clasping my hand. "My life has been a mess for the most part I'd say but who knows what the future will bring." He says staring at the photo. "Have you ever umm you know... Heard from your father at all since he left?" He asks cautiously. "No and I'm just fine with that. I don't need him or her... I will find a way out of that hell house and will get away from that woman." Rory nods and gives me a knowing look.

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