Chapter Two - New Boy Rory.

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The bus arrives at school and when it parks I am the first one to come running off the bus, more than happy to escape the icy chill of the December weather. I enter the building and walk to my home room, checking in with Mrs. Powers and dropping off my stuff at my desk and walking briskly to the rest room.

Once inside, I enter the bathroom stall and withdraw my blade from my hoodie pocket. I hold up my sleeve and press the blade gently into my wrist. I press harder and drag the blade down my wrist in a straight line, sighing at the relief the stinging pain brings and repeating the process nine more times until I am filled with the familiar numbness that sets my mind at ease and calms my frayed nerves.

I wait until the other boys have gone and emerge from the stall to cleanse the blood from my wrist. I look into the mirror and wash off my face, trying to pat down my matted black hair and applying some eye liner that I withdraw from my jeans pocket to emphasize my dark black eyes. I can't help but stare at myself for a moment and wish that my reflection was different.

I'm not attractive in the very least in my opinion, I have pale snowy white skin and dark circles under my eyes from my sleep insomnia and a really skinny and bony build. I finish applying my eyeliner and glare at my reflections. I hate my face so much with its thin and plain features and almost eggy like shape, I only liked how my facial features were porportionate and that was it. I straighten, no longer wanting to look at my expression and dash off down the hall to class. I get there before the bell and as usual, there was chatter and people laughing and listening to music, paying no mind to me which I find relaxing.

The teacher silences us eventually and begins to speak in a chirpy bird voice that's shrill to my ears. "Class we have a new student joining us today!" She says clapping her hands together cheerfully and taking a step to the side. There was a new boy dressed in black skinny jeans and a black shirt with converse to match much like my own. His face was calm and chilled and his eyes were a deep chocolate brown, he had a hard set jaw  full lip, and black hair with pink streaks in it. If I could describe him in one word that word would be beautiful.

I never really cared much for girls or found them all that attractive really, but I know I like boys because the attraction was always there deep inside, though I've never had any crushes considering how everyone here annoys me. "Why don't you introduce yourself young man?" Mrs. Powers asks sweetly. "My name is Rory." He says in a low melodic voice that soothes me but also gave me chills. She muttered something to Rory and he went and took the empty seat right next to me. We began the lesson, stating a new class assignment which required partners. Seeing that I was left alone and as was Rory, the teacher paired us up.

We scoot our desks closer to each other and started on the paper assignment and finish in practically no time at all with the mathematics. "What's your name?" Asks Rory, after an awkward few minutes of silence. "Oh.. It's uh, Bryan." I mumble. Crap I must've sounded like an idiot to him, well so much for first impressions I guess. "Look up at me and straighten your posture would you?" He asks, wrapping his fingers around my chin and lifting my chin up.

I straighten and my face grows hot with the touch. Rory looks at me with the warmest smiles, drawing in a deep breath and sighing. Then I saw it, a flicker into an entire world of pain hidden behind a plastered on fake smile. He notices, quickly recomposing himself. "Sorry, but I just wanted to get a better look at your face." He explains calmly. "No it's alright." I assure him, though I'm very nervous at the new interaction. "So I'm new around here and well my grandparents that I live with want to me to go and have a look around but I don't want to get lost really so I was wondering if you could show me around sometime. No I'm not trying to be weird or anything I just could use a guide." He says quickly, making me smile.

"Where do you live exactly?"I ask, leaning back in my chair and stretching. "Oh I live on Puck Drive." I stare at him for a second. "That's my street. You must be the new neighbors." At that, his face lights up. "Great. How's about you meet me at my house at five after school?" He asks gleefully. "Sounds good to me." I say beaming. "Good, just look for a moving truck." He instructs, returning his attention to the assignment. "Will do." I grumble. The day after that, dragged on and on. For some reason I was being driven crazy by this boy Rory. What was it that drove me to him so badly?

Author's Note.

Enter the new boy! So what did you guys think of Rory? He's quite direct in my opinion. Bryan seems to be nervous and socially awkward as per norm for his personality it, but that may not be such a bad thing for him in this case.

Thank you all so much for staging tuned and reading. Please do leave a vote and or comment if you felt this chapter deserved it. It always makes me grin.

Until next time.. Stay Strong.

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