Chapter Eight - Is It My Fault?

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Rory lays in a hospital bed, hooked up to more wires and tubes than I can count. His breath is even as a machine breathes for him and he is still and unconscious. He has been in this state for approximately eight hours since I dialed 911 and we arrived here at the hospital.

His grandparents have been notified of his suicide attempt and have arrived just an hour ago. The nurse walks in and out of his room at a constant pace, checking his wrists and the tubes connected to them. Jessie came in earlier to see him and at the sight, she burst into sobs and choking breaths. His grandfather Mr. McDaniel remained calm and escorted his wife from the room and into a social worker's room for a conference on Rory's behalf.

They asked me questions and had me fill out the necessary paper work and they allowed me to sit in here with him. They normally would remove me but they made an exception for me given the current circumstances.
As I begin to drift in and out of consciousness, I see his body move and tense up.

I jerk awake and stand up and head to his bed side and I look down to see his eyes half open. "Rory." I breathe in shock and relief at his newly returned consciousness. "H-Hey Bryan." He whispers and then looks down at his arms at the tubes. His jaw clenches tightly by the looks of it and I see tears begin to stream down his face. "Why did you have to stop this Bryan? I wanted to die... But you couldn't let me release myself from my pain... From this hell?!" He yells weakly, trying to sit up, but his face goes pale and he falls back. I catch him just in time and lay him back down gently against the mattress.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were so upset?" I growl. He smiles at me "You have no idea what I've been through completely but I will tell you what no one else knows." He says, his voice cracking from his held back sobs. "The kids at my school... They would pick on me and beat me shitless for no apparent reason, besides the fact that I was homosexual... They told me to kill myself so often, and I know what you're thinking but words DO hurt.. but they do more than just that... They kill." He says, sobbing now.

"They found out about my cutting and that only made matters worse. I had tried to overdose and die from that but failed. I was so miserable in my home life and more than just parental abuse was an issue... I had a boyfriend and he... He sexually assaulted me... He raped me. He verbally and physically abused me not so much while we were together but a whole lot after we broke up because of the sexual assault." He mutters, his voice strangled and then he lets out a sob more animal sounding than human. "Now you know! Are you happy now Bryan?! Are you fucking happy?!" He screams, within moments nurses come running in through the door at his cries.

Rory kicks and fights their grip on him and then knocks a nurse away from one of the arms that she was retraining and then he rips out a line of tubes attached to his vain.

The sight is awful. The nurses cry for restraints and a sedative, by the time they inject him with a sedative he has torn out almost all of his wires from his arms. There is a steady stream of blood and liquid from the fluid filled bags. "He tore his stitches!" Cries a nurse as she runs from the room.

I try and help them with Rory but they have security by that point, a thick armed guard holding me back from him. When I finally cease fighting, the guard pulls me from the room and I hear Rory cry weakly from the sedative and blood loss. "This is all your fault Bryan!" I look over through the door and simply stare, lost in my agony at the sight of his blood splattered hospital gown and snowy white face.

Author's Note.

Now we all know what drove Rory's suicide attempt. It was a very hard decision for him to make, suicide being a very rough act in the first place.

What did you think of Rory? Did he have any right to blame Bryan for stopping his death? What about Bryan's numb reaction to Rory's fight in the hospital? It was a very fast paced moment, Rory knowing that he wouldn't have much time to lose.

Please do leave a vote and or comment if you felt that this chapter deserved it. It means a ton and always gives me a smile.

Until next time.. Stay Strong.

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