Chapter Thirteen - Unexpected Help.

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I am dreaming. I must be if my mother has stumbled into my room after seeing the blood in the bathroom. She gasps at the sight of my body collapsed onto the bed and the sheets stained from my blood. "You disgust me!" She yells as she stumbles towards me clearly enraged. In the murky dream I sit up and try to stand but when I try I collapse beneath my own body weight and crumble onto the floor. I begin to sob uncontrollably as I look up at her enraged eyes and burning red face. "This is all you're fucking fault!" I cry weakly. I continue to yell as her face looks shocked. "You hit me! You abuse me over and over again with no remorse for your actions! You are just like Edwin! He's a horrible man and you're acting just like him with how you treat me and behave! Look at yourself! You're a fucking train wreck and that's why I hate you!" I say finishing as my eyes grow heavier.

I look down at my thighs and see that I'm still bleeding and I choke on bile in my throat. My mother turns and walks quickly and quietly from the room not saying a word. I groan and fall lump on my side and shut my eyes. This is it, I'm finally going to die and it all will finally be over. As I begin to drift from consciousness I hear footsteps approaching and a thump as my left thigh is grabbed. I flinch but I am far too weak from blood loss to fight back so instead I open my eyes.

My mother sits before me with a first aid kit and cleans my cuts. As she does this she remains silent and refuses to look at me. After she is done cleaning the cuts I realize that the bleeding has finally stopped. I still feel drowsy and I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. My mother takes out some bandages and and medical tape and wraps up my thighs slowly and carefully such as not to hurt me. After she has finished she rises. "Up." She says extending a hand for me and clasping my wrist. I shake my head "No point in trying." I whisper.

She growls at me and wraps an arm around my side and pulls me up slowly. I decide to humor her and give her a hand and try my best to stand. When I do I immediately fall back and land on the bed. I lift my legs out straight and look over at my mother. "If I were Edwin then I wouldn't have bandaged you up... I don't care if you hate me but I do love you... Enough at least not to abandon you like he did us." She says gathering up the first aid kit and rising to her feet. I think about saying something but instead I begin to cry softly.

I never thought that for once in my entire life that my mother loved me. I couldn't stand her and neither her me. Though at least I have someone who hasn't abandoned me other than Rory, that much I can say. As I drift off asleep I am surprised by the fact that I am still alive and that this experience with my mother wasn't just a twisted dream and I am grateful for it.

Author's Note.

Bryan's mother strikes in an all new way! What all did you think of her coming to a nurturing response to Bryan's suicide attempt. I plan on working on a Novella book for Judith's story at some point, so stay tuned for updates :).

Do give that star button a push if you feel the chapter deserved it. Any feedback is welcome and very much appreciated. Thank you for reading.

Until next time.. Stay Strong.

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