Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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I loved her, not for the way she danced with my angels but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons. -Christopher Pointdexter

As Koale and Rosie stood in her kitchen making dinner a couple of nights before Christmas, there was a knock at her apartment door. The couple looked at each other in confusion as Rosie took up the spoon Koale was using as he walked over to the door. When Koale opened the door, he came face to face with an older black man with a concerned look on his face.

"Mr. Carter," Koale spoke, recognizing his girlfriend's father.

"You must be Koale. Cleo told me a lot about you. Is my daughter home?" Jerome asked, fidgeting with his blazer.

"Daddy?" Rosie spoking coming to the door when Koale said her dad's last name.

"Can I come in?" Jerome asked, as his face softened when he saw his little girl.

"Of course, we're just making dinner," Rosie replied as Koale opened the door more for him to come in.

"I'm sorry we're meeting like this, Koale. I'm Jerome, Rosabella's father," Jerome spoke, reaching his hand out to shake Koale's hand.

"It's okay, Mr. Carter. Rosie and I talked about meeting you for dinner sometime after the holidays," Koale politely smiled as he shook his hand.

"Please call me Jerome. You're making my daughter happy; you can call me by my first name," Jerome smiled.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?" Rosie asked, looking confused.

"Cleo came and talked to me at the office yesterday," Jerome replied, sitting down on one of the barstools.

"I knew she wasn't going to leave it alone," Rosie sighed, running her hand down her face.

"First, I want to say thank you for coming into my daughter's life and making sure that she gets treated the way Rosie deserves," Jerome spoke with honesty in his voice.

"I would follow her to the ends of the earth, Sir. Rosie's happiness is the most important thing to me because I'm in love with her" Koale smiled, squeezing Rosie's hand.

"Princess, why didn't you tell me what your mom was doing to you?" Jerome asked, reaching out for his daughter's free hand.

"Because I didn't want to change the way you looked at her. I was afraid that if I changed the way you looked at Annabeth, you would treat Theo differently since he's not your son. I didn't want to tear apart our family because of her," Rosie replied with tears in her eyes.

Rosie had spent her entire life dealing with her mother's abuse because keeping her father's relationship with her brothers was more important. Theo had become very close with Jerome over the past few years, and Theo had been helping Jayden develop a more intimate relationship with their dad. This bombshell would destroy their family.

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