Thank You

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God doesn't give you the people you want. He gives you the people you need. To help you, hurt you, leave you, love you, and make you the person you meant to be.

"Koale, Rosie tells me that you're getting a little worried about not having heard back on the job apps you've done," Jerome spoke, sipping whisky in his office.

"I told her not to say anything to you about it," Koale sighed, slumping back in the chair opposite Jerome's, "But that's no longer a problem."

"Oh, and how is that? Especially with my first grandchild on the way?" Jerome asked with a fatherly smile.

"With Rosie and I starting the channel and her signing with Condé Nast, she needs someone to run the businesses and schedule. Makes sense that it was me since we live together and already work together," Koale smiled, "And keep this between us. We are currently in the works of negotiating my contract with Doggystyle Records. Legally we can't say anything yet."

"How will you get paid until you sign the deal?" Jerome asked curiously.

"Since I'm her manager, Condé Nast will be paying me. We'll split the commission from YouTube. Anna introduced us to Calvin himself. He has agreed to spread the whole process so that life doesn't get impossible to handle."

"I'm glad you two have gotten that figured out. Have you decided where you're going to live yet?" Jerome asked, having a feeling Rosie wanted to live in California.

"Don't say anything to anyone yet, but Rosie fell in love with Huntington Beach. She absolutely loved that villa, so I reached out to Anna and see if she would be willing to give us the villa" Koale smiled, knowing Jerome wouldn't be surprised.

"Why the villa?"

"You think it's too much?"

"Both of you have large families, and having a place for everyone to stay would make you both happy" Jerome smiled.

"I appreciate that," Koale smiled nervously, sucking in a breath, "Now for the real reason I came by. Sir, I need to ask you a question."

"Go ahead," Jerome grinned, knowing what Koale wanted to ask him.

"Sir, I am madly in love with your daughter, and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without her. I don't want to just call her the mother of my child. I want to be able to call Rosa my wife," Koale sighed, "Jerome, I would like your blessing to ask Rosabella to be my wife."

"Can I see the ring?" Jerome grinned.

"Of course," Koale smiled, handing the box to Jerome.

"It's stunning! She's going to love it!"

"Your answer?"

"Of course, you have my blessing," Jerome smiled, handing the box back to Koale, "I take it you took Cleo with you to pick this out?"

"Yeah, I got it the same day Rosie found out she was pregnant. I was already planning on proposing before we found out" Koale grinned.

"Have you decided when you'll ask her?"

"I was going to do it on that trip, but I didn't want Rosie to feel like I was asking because she was pregnant. I think Christmas after the baby has come."

"RJ won't admit it, but Christmas is her favorite holiday, so it's perfect" Jerome nodded.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that," Koale smiled, "Better yet, thank you for being the type of parent that believed RJ when she spoke up about what was happening."

"I feel like I should have seen the signs," Jerome sighed, slumping back into his chair, "She's my little girl, and I swore to protect her. But I couldn't protect her from my own wife."

This is My Life (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora