New Orleans

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"Fuck it" = My final thought before making 99.9% of my decisions.

"Welcome to New Orleans," Harry Connick Jr. smiled, catching Rosie's attention as Koale and RJ exited Louis Armstrong airport.

"Harry!" RJ beamed, spotting one of her dad's friends, "Daddy said someone would be waiting for us, but he didn't say it was going to be you!"

"How do you know, Jerome? I mean, you're a well-known musician" Koale smiled, shaking Harry's hand.

"We went to school together and used to play in a local band when we were kids," Harry smiled, taking the kids over to his truck, "The last time I saw you, you were 10 years old and watching me play at Copper Blues right from my feet."

"I remember that; I fell asleep on that stage listening to you play to some of our family and friends," RJ smiled, leaning into her uncle once they were in the three-seater truck.

Harry smiled down at his niece as they pulled out onto the road to head to his apartment in the French Quarter. Jerome had called the hotel that Rosie and Koale were staying at and canceled their reservation after Harry suggested they stay there. There was no need to pay to be home, and Harry would make sure of that.

Koale rubbed Rose's knee as they drove wherever Harry was taking them, knowing that she was tired not only from the flight but from the pregnancy as well

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Koale rubbed Rose's knee as they drove wherever Harry was taking them, knowing that she was tired not only from the flight but from the pregnancy as well. Rosie wasn't good at flying, and they had hit a patch of bad weather on the flight from California. Harry noticed how tender Koale was being with Rosie, not knowing about Rosie's fear of flying.

"Everything alright?" Harry asked, looking down at Rosie.

"Yeah, can we stop somewhere for Beignets? I'm hungry and flying while almost 4 months is not fun," Rosie grinned.

"Your wish is my command," he exclaimed, making Rosie and Koale chuckle.

About twenty minutes later, they pulled up to Cafe Du Monde and a massive line down the street waiting to get into the cafe. Rosie pouted, seeing how long it was going to take them to get inside to be able to eat when she could smell them from the car. Harry smirked in amusement at the look on RJ's face, not knowing that he knew the restaurant owner.

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