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Two pairs of feet stop in front of the house. The sound of the crickets and the occasional howls of the dogs nearby are the things they could hear. In the middle of the night, they decided to pay them a visit as what their master had instructed.

"The house is peaceful, serene-"

"Of course it would be. There are only the two of them and it's two o clock, they should be asleep so as everyone else, that's why it's peaceful."

The man who first spoke roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Thank you very much for the information but that's the most obvious thing anyone- I mean anyone- could deduce, don't you think Blacky? " He replied sarcastically.

The man named "Blacky" remained silent as he eyed the other. 

"Stop with that fucking word, you white shit. Blacky? What am I, a freaking dog?"

"Geez. You're such a stick to the mud! It was not my idea, let me remind you! It was our master's idea, remember? That I am called Whitey and you're Blacky. Anyways, let's just check them and leave this place immediately. I still need to go to their hideout tomorrow as what we had planned. "

"Tsk. Let's just get this job done. "

In the blink of an eye, the two went inside the house without a fuss. The whole room is dark as no light or even lamp has been turned on. Blacky switch on the light and the unexpected scenario unfolded.

This isn't their first time coming in here to check in her but this is  their first time seeing such a terrible state in this house. As the light finally illuminated the whole sala, kunais and shurikens were wield both in their hands, ready with whatever will happen.

The tidy sala they used to see is now in wreck and chaos. The chairs and tables were not in place. Blood were even visibly in the far kitchen.

'What could have possibly happened in here?' 'Had they finally succeed with that wicked plans?'questions after questions run through their minds.

"Check the rooms now!" Blacky commanded and in a flash Whitey was off to the rooms. Blacky could feel his heart pick its beat. No he wasn't afraid of what lies ahead, he was rather afraid of the reaction of the man waiting for them with a positive response.

'I just hope they're okay' he silently wished. Or heads will roll tonight.

Upon reaching the kitchen area, same chaotic scene greeted his eyes. But no one can be felt of seen inside.

'Where the fuck are they?'

"No one's here! They're gone!" Whitey's frantic voice troubled his already problematic mind.

"Oh no! What shall we report to him? That no one's in the house, not a single soul? Blacky, what shall we do?!"

"Calm the fuck down Whitey! You're making me nervous! Tss. Let's think for a while and concrete a plan"  Blacky declared. If he'll be sway with Whitey's frantic, he'll surely be panic and everything will be doom.

"Geez. It was totally a bad idea to go to the bar Blacky! We definitely slacking off!  Why did we even went there before coming here?"

"Who's idea is it? It is your idea to chill to the bar for a while right?"

"Okay. That was my idea. True! But who don't even want to go and finally complete the task ? It was you right?! You are the reason we're doom!"

"It wasn't my intention you dumbass! If it we'rent for ______ I'll leave immediately! It was-"

The loud ringing of the phone cut off the heating argument the two has. Upon knowing the caller, the two of them eyed each other and never said a word.

Maybe This TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora