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"We don't have any clothes that is fitted for you since we don't have any kids here. I hope that's okay with you? I can't let you  wear your clothes since it's all worn out, wet and filthy. "

She smiled at the boy across her. He is now clad with the clothes she pick in Tobi's drawer. A shirt that reaches his knees and a boxers since no shorts could be fitted for him. Tobi's a tall and lean man with the right muscles on place.

"Uhm... Thank... you... so.. much."

"You don't have to be shy. Here, have some milk and bread. It'll help to warm you up."

The boy just eyed the glass of milk and bread in front. He's skeptical whether to accept it or just leave. He gulped. His stomach crumbling as he look at the food, looking so inviting and delicious. He salivated at the thought of how soft and fluffy the bread is. The milk is sure so sweet and warm. His eyes landed on the man's back who is busy in the sink. The man never utter a word on him which made him nervous and hesitant if he's truly welcome here.

"Don't mind him. Here, eat and drink the milk. You can then, rest. "

The boy might be afraid of Tobi, Konan thought as the boy look at Tobi who is busy washing the plates used awhile a go. Tobi has this intimidating aura with him, he rarely smiles which add to his hostile demeanor. Tobi made his way to the table with plates in his hands. The boy immediately casted his line of eyesight as he saw Tobi. One spoke for a while as Tobi settled. With the awkward atmosphere, I eyed him knowingly. Looking so confused, he cleared his throat.

"What's your name boy?"

Black pair of orbs met Tobi's black ones. He's looking at him with wonder and question. He might be confused why Tobi started talking to him now very unlikely with the cold shoulder he thrown at him earlier. Observing him now, he's petite, thin and pale. He got a mane of unruly hair. Despite of being damp, some of his black hair sticks out making it quite messy. Minutes pass without him, answering. Tobi's eyebrows meet for he  don't think the boy's mute. He even heard him murmured something as Konan spoke to him. He look at Konan for some help.

Geez. I don't know how to handle kids. Tobi thought.

"Ah yes! I didn't got your name. What's your name? By the way, I'm Konan, and this is Tobi."

He fiddle his hands and bit his lips. A little while later, a soft voice came out like a whisper.

"My name is... Obi"

"Well, it's nice to know you Obi. Don't be shy with us okay? Feel at home. "

Obi's heart skip a beat upon hearing Konan's words. No one has ever welcome him this way. She's beautiful and very kind. She's an angel. A smile etched on his face and mumbled a thanks.

The night went smoothly as the three of them eat peacefully with Konan constantly checking up on him and with Tobi staring at him with wonder. The night dragged on until they decided to call it a day.

"You'll be sleeping with me, next to Tobi's room, is that okay with you Obi?"

"Uh, I.. I can sleep here... in the couch. I troubled you as it is. I don't want to cause further burden. "

" No. Don't say that Obi. You're a visitor, so I can't let you sleep in the couch. "


"Konan, it'll be better if Obi will sleep with me. We're both boys so it's more appropriate and in that way, you can have some privacy. "

Tobi glance at the now startled boy who's looking at him with confusion. Konan give Tobi a knowing look and raise her eyebrows.

"What? I'm just suggesting and besides it's kinda unfair, don't you think? He get to lie in the bed next to you which you barely know while me, your boyfriend for three years haven't even shared a bed with you yet."

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