Pieces of Puzzle (Part 4)

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"Say goodbye to them Ria! You'll be in your new home!"

The girl waved, hesitantly. Her eyes seemed looking for someone as she sweeped the whole crowd from left to right.

He's not here, she thought.

"Aww, I wanna be adopted by the Hokage too!" A girl squeaked, quite jealous with Ria's fate. The sudden announcement of adoption left the children of the orphanage in awe, with a tinge of jealousy.

Ria could only smiled, as she can't see the person she's meaning to say goodbye. Her last two weeks since the announcement made her life in the orphanage sweep in the limelight. She became an instant center of attraction. Questions after questions were thrown at her, specifically inquiries about the adopters. The sudden twist of her life made her dizzy; knowing her remaining days with the children shw grew up with, she was determined to make it worthwhile.

"Is he... not going to see me out? Or at least say a goodbye?" Her voice low and hopeful.

Sister Jane crouched, their eyes at the same level. With a soft voice she answered, "He'll be here sweetie. She's just with sister Mabel talking. Just wait, okay? The Hokage was still upstairs, you'll still have time to talk with him."

"Okay, kids! Let's clean up now! The party's over so we need to clean now."

The children grunted in unison the dispedida party for Ria was finished thirty minutes ago and everybody was gathered in a semicircle, Ria in the center, to give her their wishes and farewell. Well, except for one, Obi.

Every minutes passed, Ria's eyed were glued at the door wide open to see the dark haired boy to finally show up. In the course of her party, no Obi nor his Shadow was seen, making her sad. The last two weeks was pleasant, yet something was still missing. Obi had become distant, specifically from her, since the day of announcement.

"Stay here! Don't come with them!" Those were the last words Obi uttered to her before he purposely avoided her. Her young mind can't comprehensive what the boy was trying to point out, making her confused, sad and hesitant.

However, no matter if she will protest for the adoption, it'll be no use. The adoption papers were signed, four weeks prior the announcement. Moreover, her heart can't contain the happiness knowing she'll be having a new home.

The rowdy place halt into a stop as a figure of a man and woman entered. Brooms were set aside and the crowd split, giving way for the newcomers to reach the center of attraction. The Hokage, Danzo Shimura, patted the girl's head.

"Are you excited?" He ask, his voice gruffed and tone low.

The girl nodded in response. At the back of the man was Sister Mabel, hand in hand with the familiar dark haired boy she wanted so much to say goodbye. Obi stood at the sister's back, holding her hand while his eyes downcast.

A sob escape, echoed through the silent crowd. In a snap, Obi whipped his head ahead, his eyes widened.

He opened his mouth to ask but the sister beat him to it.

"Oh? Why are you crying Ria?"

Eyes locked at each other, Obi anticipated the girl's response.

It's my fault, he reminded himself.

Flashbacks after flashbacks of the past two weeks came crushing down into him. His guilt eating him alive as he witnessed Ria's tears running down her cheeks.

It's my fault.

The fist of his free hand balled, the paper under it crumpled. Not withstanding the guilt, he closed the distance between them. Shocking everyone.

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