Third Perspective

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Merry Christmas everyone! 🎊💕

"Would you like some bread?" A girl reach out her hand with a bread to the boy who's lying in the  middle of a wet road. With a shaky hand, he tried to accept the bread which he did successfully. The soft, foam like feel of the bread and the smell of it made the boy hungrier. In almost one gulp, he finished it immediately.

"Tha- Thank you... I ... Haven't eaten for days... And I was... So hungry... "

"Yahiko! Come here! "

"Why Konan? What's wrong?"

"Why don't we add him to our group?"

"Huh? But... We barely-"

"Come on! Let's add him! The more, the merrier! And the more of us looking for food, the more food we can collect, right?"

The girl beam at the orange haired boy and contemplated for a while. Sighing, he nodded his head and reach out his hands into the boy, still lying in the ground.

"I'm Yahiko and this is Konan. You are?"

Clasping the hands of Yahiko, the boy stood up and with a shy smile, he answered.

"I'm Nagato."


"Konan?" The same purple eyes the man she's with is now directed at her. The only difference is, Sais' eyes were cold and stoic, not giving away anything but, the man across, who just called her look at her like she is some ghost or alien. Mouth agape; eyes, wide and shock.

This is her first time meeting the man yet why does he know her name?

Did we already meet? At the cafe? She thought.

"Seite? You know her? You know Konan? "
The eye contact they have is interrupted as Sais step in between their line of sight. Sais' broad back is now on display and if it weren't for the awkwardness and odd situation she's in,  she could've pushed the man aside.

"Ah. Yes- No, I mean... I don't..know her personally. I just happen to know her name-"

"Well, yeah. We happen to know her name Sais. I mean, WE NEED TO KNOW HER NAME, You know! You've been missing in action for the past days, without a proper explanation! We have a huge case to solve and you just what? Lurking around the house of that girl? Seite just feel like-"

Sais, to his shock with Cinco's talkativeness, immediately cover the latter's mouth to stop her to further say anything.

"Uh, Sais, we'll just talk about that later, I have more important matter to discuss with you now. "

"Whatever you did in knowing Konan's name, we'll soon have a talk about that. But yes, you're right. I do have some important news to tell..."

"It's about the boy named Obi..." they said in unison. Confusion and bewilderment registered  as they have the same thing to say. Even before they could continue, Konan butted in upon hearing Obi's name.

"Obi?! Did you just say Obi? What did you know about him? Where is he?! Mister-"

"Obi you say girl? He's here, right in that far couch... Sleeping, I think?" Cinco offered as she tried to pry herself out of Seite's hold.

Yahiko, felt relief and surprise at the same time. But as he felt Konan stiffened, he knows something bad will happen. In a millisecond, Yahiko wrapped his arms around Konan as the girl dashed forward to Cinco with pure rage. He can feel her whole body shaking and cold.

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