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The violet haired girl close her eyes as the rain started to pour. The cold wind sent shivers down her spine; making the hairs in her nape stand. Another cold blow of the wind and the umbrella she's holding release from her grasp swaying in the other side of the road where the wind is heading. Despite the cold, she stand rooted in the road as same comforting feeling settled within her. She would always feel this way whenever it rains. Soothing, calming whispers of the cold wind always calls her. As the bullet of rain started to soak her, a splash from a vehicle wake her up from the trance. She opened her eyes only to find the vehicle, a sleek black range Rover, is getting farther away not minding the accident it cause. Shrugging off, she started to walk to the other side of the road to get her umbrella when a cold hands tug her dress, now soaked in the rain.

"Uh, can you... spare me... some bread? I haven't eaten since last night"

Her heart tug from the sight. A boy in his  early teens is shivering while looking at her. He look so fragile, so thin, and rugged. Due to the heavy rain, the streets are deserted. The people surely are in the comforts of their own homes, having some warm tea and dinner. While, this boy in his worn out clothes, too pale and sickly, is here amidst the rain to find food. Her heart is breaking and with unexplainable feeling, she started to get teary eyed. She bit her lip to stifle a sob. She hold the boy's hand-so small and cold- and smiled.

"Will you come with me?"

A shy smile etched in the boy's face. Gripping his hands they walked side by side as she pick up her umbrella and headed to where the girl is leaving.

"Let's go home"


She was about to open the door when an angry face welcome her.

"What the heck Konan? I told you to stay indoors, didn't I? I was worried sick! "

The dark haired man exclaimed as relief flooded his system seeing the violet haired girl standing right before his eyes.

"I'm sorry Tobi. I thought I can buy us some things since we were running out of groceries. "

The man closed his eyes the reprimand himself to further say something. He doesn't want to engage with arguments with her.

"I was just worried, okay? Tell me next time your whereabouts."

He said, letting go all the words he wanted to say to her. He reached out his hand to her face and caressed. He just love this girl so bad.

" I can't... I can't lose you okay? I just can't. "

"You won't lose me Tobi and I'm sorry if I worried you. So, uhm, if you please? Take these inside we're kinda wet. And, I need to tell you something."

Taking the groceries she's handing, he look at her confused.

What was she wanted to tell me? He rake his eyes to her figure and he finally notice the little boy hiding behind her while clutching her hands tightly. The boy immediate hidden behind as Konan and Tobi started talking. He's cold and shivering but he withstand it all. This isn't the first time he was cold and hungry but this will be the first time someone help him. Someone as beautiful like her. Fear is starting to eat him as he realized something. This man might be her husband! Looking at how worried he is, he slowly release the woman's hand as he anticipated the turn of events. Surely, the man won't allow for someone like him to be under his roof even for a minute. He was nobody. When he finally release her hand, he slowly step back to make a run as the couple is busy talking. Sensing the absence of the boy's cold hands,  Konan look behind to find the boy walking back.

"Hey, where are going?"

"Who is he, Konan? "

Without answering Tobi, she chase after the boy. She  don't know the boy's identity but she can't just let him go. Something's telling her to keep him. As she catched up with him, she grabbed him and hold his hands; not letting him go.

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