Pieces of Puzzle (Part 3)

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Excitement radiantly flow from the group of kids in queue, walking silently to the literature room or the library of the orphanage. Giggles and smiles were exchanged from the students as they were elated to meet the mysterious man who supports them and the orphanage.

"When you are inside the literature room, behave and sit properly in the respective seats for you okay? No extra noises or movements kids. If the hokage is already inside, pay respect and listen attentively to him. Again, no extra noises and movements. Behave. Is that clear?" The nun announced, looking at each of the kids.

The kids enthusiastically shouted a unison of a big "yes". Despite the happy aura radiating off the room, not even the slightest euphoria Obi felt. It was rather, the other way around.

A stomp from behind made him turn around and a smiling Ria greeted him.

"You look so gloomy Obi. Are you unwell?" Came her soft voice. Concern heavily hinted her contorted face. Heat rush through the chest of Obi, spreading like a wildfire in seconds, up to his cheeks and ears. Obi opened his lips to say something but decided to turn around and mumbled a low, "Yes".

"Eh? But your face look so red! I can call sister Ana to tell her you're sick!"

"I'm alright Ria! No need to call anyone. " A quick glance were thrown into the girl's way and Obi walked faster, eating up huge steps that he almost bump into another kid ahead of him. Ria sprint to follow the boy and stop a few inches from his back only to step back as Obi abruptly stop causing Ria to bump into the boy. Butt first, Ria fall ungraciously in the ground. The scene got some looks from the others kids, specifically from sister Ana.

"Ria!" Sister Ana's voice screech. "What happened?"

Upon realizing what happened, Obi immediately attended to the girl on the ground. One knee on the ground, he clasped the hands of Ria and inspect for some other injuries.

"Are you okay?" Black irises locked into the blue ones. Ria blink and nodded silently. Heat rising up her cheeks, tinting it with red hue.

"Ria, Obi what is happening? Can you stand?" Sister Ana's voice caught their attention. Hand in hand, Obi and Ria stand beside each other, breaking the queue of the kids.

" I just slipped sister. I didn't mean to cause a scene. " Ria explained. Obi was about to butt in when the sister dismissed them and motion for them to go back to the line and proceed inside the room.

Everyone was settled. The original room of shelves after shelves, was transformed into a stage with a small platform in the middle. Chairs were arrange in a semi circle way, flowers were placed in one side of the room as decorations, adding some freshness inside. The whole room glowed as the bright rays of the sun penetrated through the opened windows of the whole room. Curtains dancing into the tune of the wind as it blows.

Multiple nuns were inside the room and led the children to their respective seats. The third row were then filled in, Obi on the second seat to the right, followed by Ria and other kids. Everyone was settled and to the nun's happiness, the kids did behave; sitting on their chairs, chitchatting and a bit playful with each other. Everything's ready, the only thing that everyone is waiting was for their guest to come in the room.

"Are you truly okay?" Obi whispered to the girl next to him. He can see through his peripheral vision the tiny hands of the girl, caressing her knees.

"Hmm. Yes Obi. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Facing ahead, Ria answered. Her eyes glued in front. Men and nuns were busy setting up the small sound system and poduim.

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