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Hands in the pocket, Sais is towering in the middle of the coffee shop. The ladies present in the place are craning their necks to get a better look of the new costumer.

Konan, as a barista in duty say the usual sentence she would always greet her costumers.

"Uh, uhm. Hello, welcome to the Lady Angel's Coffee shop. May I take your order?" She rather said in a hesitant way. She doesn't know how to treat this man in front. He may be help her and Obi yesterday, she can feel he's distant and cold. The man raise his eyes to scan the board above to pick his choice. From her spot, Konan could clearly that lump from the man's neck. She involuntarily gulp at how manly he looks at the moment. Adam's apple bobbed and a low rumble of "black coffee" escape his lips.

He really has a deep voice. Konan thought. And for the second moment of the day, he glued his eyes to her, making her feel something in her stomach and thumpings of her heart increase.

"Would you like some creamer and sugar? "

"No. Just plain black coffee. "


She punch the counter for Sais' order, giving him the price he need to pay for the coffee. Handing him the change, she diverted her eyes all over the place to look for some vacant table. She bit her lower lip as she noticed how full the place is. No other table is available for him. Feeling sorry for him, she look at him with remorse.

"Uh... I'll just make your coffee then. You can find some seat or table where you can wait for your order. But as you've notice... There's no-"

"I can just wait here in the counter. " He countered her. Settling in the chair right in front of her, he intertwine his long fingers and watch her brewed his black coffee.

The rustle of the surroundings are the only thing that can be heard. Between the two, Sais focus his attention solely in front, not hinting to start a conversation. Sweat starting to form in Konan's hands and forehead. She glance at the man.

He's not going to say anything? Perhaps a simple "hello"? She thought.

For years of doing her work, this is quite the first time she's nervous. Having Sais' undivided attention is giving her some chills- in a good way.

What's with his presence? Is it about his piercing purple eyes? His ice cold demeanor? Or is it because of the way he gaze at the like I'm some statue and he's stuck staring at me?

She cleard her throat to shrug off the unnerving feeling.

"So uhm... You're new here, am I right? This is my first time seeing you here in our shop... " She trailed off not knowing if she's starting the conversation right.

"Yeah. This is my first time here. "

With a click, Konan place the hot black coffee in the counter table.

"Here's your order. Enjoy, then. " She smiled at him which the latter didn't respond. He just eyed her with a blank face then diverted his attention on his drink. Despite being hidden under the ballcap ballcap, Konan didn't missed the faint red in Sais' cheeks. Her smile widened then the paper crane Sais just put in the table caught her attention. Picking it up, she look at it closely, admiring the intricate designs embroidered in the piece of paper the paper crane is made of. Obviously, the paper used in his paper crane isn't just an ordinary paper. Unlike hers. She loves anything that comes from paper. Any form of art and origami. She look back at Sais and the latter had his attention still on his coffee.

"Did you make this yourself?" She can't help but ask. Curiosity got the best of her. Purple eyes darted on the thing she's holding then back at her. He's all serious, making her nervous. She wanted to smack herself. Maybe Sais not wanted to be pry on.

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