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"You're late Sais, this is so unlike you. Where have you been? "

The man who has just arrived smirked at the man who spoke. Brushing off his now wet  shirt, he went to his assigned chair which is in the center of the  table. Six pair of eyes bored into him, expecting him to at least explain his whereabouts. He cleared his throat and shrug off.

"Just around the corner Siete. You know, strolling around the town to see how things are doing."

No one spoke. A deafening silence ensued in the meeting room. He could feel that everyone is contented with his explanation or maybe, they just don't care; except the ever observant comrade of his, Siete.

"So, gentlemen, let's get through the meeting?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Even Siete yet his eyes is telling the man in the center that their talk is not yet done. He smiled at him as a response.

Looking straight ahead, he started to get serious and the excruciating meeting roll.

"Meeting adjourned. Thank you for coming. Uno and Dos, stay for a while Seite and I wanted to talk to you about something. "

The men mentioned stayed while everyone else went out of the meeting room.

"What is it, Sais? "

The long haired man ask immediately. He could've been mistaken as a girl for his long thick orange hair if it weren't for the gruffness of his voice. Sporting a piercings on his face, one on the bridge of his nose and four on both cheeks, he sure looks menacing.

The man named Dos didn't say anything but is waiting patiently for whatever the two man in front of them has to say.

"I want the two of you to investigate the current situation of the Hokage. Take even the tiniest information you can get. Don't. Leave. Anything. Behind. "

Uno and Dos flinched at the seriousness of Siete's voice. Among the members of their group, Seite is the most silent and aloof. The only person he talks freely to is Sais. On contrary, Sais is the polar opposite of the former. More outgoing, talkative and lively. Sometimes, even on serious occasion, he acts so brightly and positively which is contagious.

Sais look at Seite and then look at the two puzzled man.

"What about our current mission? We still haven't found the culprit yet. "

Dos can't help but ask. He is not complaining for another mission but the urgency from this newly announced mission kinda suspicious.

"I'll take care of it. I have studied the reports earlier. I'll investigate tonight. " Sais answered

"May I know why do you want us to investigate the hokage, Seite? Is this about the proposal they send? " Uno butt in.

"Yes. I just want to double-check. I don't want to compromise anything. "

He look at the three men through his hair. He had grown his hair long enough to cover his eyes. Yet, he can clearly see everything.

"We understand. We'll start tonight. " Uno and Dos said in unison. After the talk, they went out silently, leaving Sais and Seite behind.

"You don't trust the Hokage Seite?"

Sais broke the silence between them.

"Yes. I want to take ten steps ahead of them and out wit them if worse comes to worse. We can't just let our guard down just because of that too good to be true proposal... "

"I... can't... let that happen again." Seite mumbled under his breath. He balled his hands into fist.

"Well. I trust your instincts. Whatever plan you are cooking in that head of yours, know that I'll support you. I know, all you wanted is for the good of our organization and for the society. I trust you, Nagato. "

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