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So, why did we end up here? Konan thought , totally lost as she eyed her two companions both emitting a total opposite aura. Sais, who's sitting opposite her, is sitting ever so erectly like there's some rod put up his spine. His arms crossed over his chest and his face is as stoic and hard as a rock. On the other hand, Cinco, the very unlikely member to be with them is sitting across Obi's, excitedly scanning the whole menu ready to order.

It's almost lunch before the three of them departed from the Akatsuki's  'hideout'. It almost took them three hours to get into the main city, which totally surprised Konan. She thought, they will go home in the same route she and Sais has taken the first time. What more surprised Konan and Obi is the fact that the group own multiple luxury cars park in the garage of the place. Riding the sleek black Range Rover, they roll by the secluded place into the highway until they reached the main city of Konohagure.  They totally don't give off the vibes of rich people with the monotone dress code they have. The high collared black cloak with the striking red cloud design.

"So guys?! What do you want to have? Don't be shy okay? Order everything that you want and, Sais will pay for everything! " Cinco announced happily, patting the man beside her who's not too happy with how things ended up. Regardless of the distaste shown in Sais' face, he didn't disagree nor protested.

Konan hesitantly opened the menu to look for something to eat. Her eyes landed at every price of the meal available and her eyes widen.

Seriously?! The meals are way too expensive for just one meal! She thought excessively, feeling troubled.

"Mr. Waiter, will you come back here later for our orders? Seems like my companions are not yet ready to order. " Cinco smiled sweetly at the waiter looking so awkward standing with pen and paper in his hands. He nodded and walk right away after Cinco's words.

"Why did Seite let you come with us here Cinco? You're not needed here anyway. " Sais stated as he pick up the menu and started to look for something to eat. Cinco pouted with the latter's words.

"You're so mean! I just wanna know where Konan and Obi's house is! You know, I might have to visit her from now on~" Cinco wink at Konan's way and turn to Obi who's been silent since they left the place.

"What about you boy? Have you decided what to order? "

"Uh... Not yet..."

"Do you want me to choose for you instead? You know you can have this soup or maybe this. What do you like?"

"Maybe I'll have this one..."

Amidst the busy crowd- waiters come to and fro from all directions, costumers coming in and going out- of the  restaurant they were in, fleeting glances of Sais didn't go unnoticed to Konan. Ever since they left their place, he hadn't spoke a word to her once, making her uneasy. The only thing he did were the occasional stares and glances she can't decipher the reason why.

Is something wrong with my face? Or Does he wanted to say something? Those lingering thoughts keep Konan busy in her own world, not minding everyone.

"How about you? Have you thought what would you like to order? " The rumbling of Sais' words made Konan snapped her eyes from the menu to Sais who is now directly looking at her; his eyes went pass through the menu covering most if his face.

"Were you asking me?" Konan retaliated. Quite disbelief that the man who ignored her for at least three to four hours is now talking to her. Sais sometimes left Konan at lost with his actions and words, making her more curious as to what does Sais think about her.

" Well, yeah. I'm asking you. What would you like to have?" Sais put away the menu, his face now on display. The piercings in his lower mouth glitter against the light inside the restaurant, which is truly a head turner.

"Uh, maybe I'll have this steak." She replied, indecisive. Sais nodded and gestured for the waiter. The waiter immediately went to their table, lips pulled up into a wide and charming smile.

"What would you like to have mister?"

As Sais spoke their orders, the waiter listen intently and  listed it down; repeating it on point not missing anything.

"Is there anything else you would like to add?"

Sais look at everyone in the table, inquiring. The three shook their heads. The waiter then went away to ready their orders.

"Aish. I hope they'll serves us food right away. I am so hungry! So, so hungry!" Cinco complain. Konan silently agreed as she look up the clock which says twelve forty.

"Uh, can I go to the bathroom?" Obi's voice caught Konan's attention.

"You want me to go with you?" She ask as she wanted, somehow,  to get away from Sais' nerve-wracking stares.

Both Obi and Konan stood ready to leave the table when Cinco insisted that she will accompany Obi instead.

"Eh? But I think it would be better-"

"I wanted to pee too. So might as well I'll accompany Obi Konan. Would that bother you, Obi?" Cinco smiled sweetly Obi, her lashes fluttering a couple times. Obi then nodded without second thoughts. Happily, she lead Obi in the other part of the restaurant leaving an awkward silence between Sais and Konan. She  slowly sit down in the chair gaining her composure. Konan fiddle the hem of the table cloth as she look around elsewhere, pretending not to see Sais.

'Why did even Cinco left us alone here?!" Konan thought as she sense some wicked ideas running through the woman's mind. Having to spend a night with them, Konan had a glimpse of Cinco's devious schemes and she guess she's not an exception.

'Eyebrows knit in line, lips slightly pouting, wandering and unfocused eyes, Konan surely is in a battle with something in her mind' Yahiko pondered as she observed the woman across him. Konan had been agitated for some reason the moment after they left their place.

'I... love you too' Sais smirk as the words resonated inside his head. Letting his instincts win, he lean over the table- his hands intertwined infront- which startled Konan a bit.

"So... You're in a relationship?" He bluntly spit the words not sugarcoating everything. Her eyes widen; pouting lips went slightly agape and her cheeks painted with crimson hue.

"Why... Why... What.." Stuttering, Konan spoke incoherent words with the sudden question.

"It doesn't matter..." Yahiko mumbled as the obvious answer dawn into him.

'So... She's... Off... Limits...'

"I just want to ask for you and Obi's  cooperation. Seite and I had this hunch that Obi would be a great help to the further investigation about the missing case of children,  orphan children. "

The sudden swing of topic confused Konan. She wanted to talk about the bizzare question he thrown at her earlier but weighing the words he said, the latter is a must to talk about.

"What do you mean?"

Hi! Sorry for the long wait! Keep safe everyone 💕

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