Paper Cranes

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"This all started a few months ago when all of my hunches turned out to be right. Children from different orphanages have been discreetly missing for no apparent reason. From one child, uprising to five or more, a lot of these missing children have not yet found. It's just been a month since you've taken this case, yes? Well, let me tell you, I've been cleaning conducting an investigation for a year now..."

The information shocked everyone, making Yahiko and Nagato rooted on place. Yahiko balled his fist because of anger. He can't help but feel remorse over the children taken by this group. Everyone jump in surprise when Nagato punch the table.

"A year?! This been going on for a year?! Then why didn't you approach us? We could've save those kids!"

Despite the rage Nagato shows, the mask man calmly continue.

"For a year, I've been observing this notorious group yet I have not found any solid proof and evidence to pinpoint the culprit behind this hideous act. Until I found a loophole which I took the chance to dig deeper into all the possible links that would lead me to the man behind... "

Nagato could feel his rage. Why is he dragging the talk? He can feel his hands shaking. They could've save those children... His thoughts were drag into reality when he felt a hand squeezing his shoulder. He look at the owner of it and tried to calm down.

"It'll be no use Seite. Let's hear him out first. Then, we can make our next move. "

He shook his head and nodded. Anger would not help the situation. He needs a strong rational mind for this situation.

"The man behind this abominable act is none other than... the Hokage himself. "

The bomb dropped by the anonymous man in front made everyone's jaw hang in confusion and disbelief. A pregnant silence ensued in the room as each of the Akatsuki members savoured the information slowly.

"The... Hokage? Why would he...? " Dos uttered slowly, processing still the information in his mind.

"That's... How could he...?

"Why would he do that? I mean... He's the Hokage! "

"But that's unacceptable! A respectable man like him...-"

A simple laugh turned into a thundering maniac one which escape from the mask man. He's shoulder are shaking as he laugh his heart out, cutting through the buzzing of reactions from the group.

"Respectable? A man of such respect would never..." The man's hand rolled in to tight fist and gritted his teeth as memories flooded in.

"I'm sorry Obito. I can't do this. I... I love him. What happened that night must remain between the two of us. I can't let that jeopardize our relationship anymore. You are my friend and I'm so sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry."

"Wait... Please... Hear me out! Please!"

He wanted to reach out... To run after her and lock her in his arms, never letting go. But he stood rigidly, glued to the road while seeing the woman he loves walking away from him. Two steps... Three steps... Four steps... Five... He finally had his strength to move his legs to run after her when the most horrible thing just folded right before his eyes.

In a snap the woman he loves, lay in the road, bathing from her very own blood.


"Uchiha Obito? Uchiha Obito?! We are talking to you! "

The current place he is in materialize right before his eyes. A dimly lit spacious room, illuminated by the moonlight. A ceiling to ground glass windows and a table occupied by seven people with that same purple eyes.

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